Hi ladies! I just wanted to extend my comfort to those out there struggling with their marriage. I was married back in 2005 to the man I thought was my dream man, the man I was to live with until the day I die, we were college sweethearts and did a long distant relationship for many years before we got married...we were committed to eachother. We had a wonderful life and were very happy! A couple years later we had a son together and thought our life was complete having the family we always wanted. We were madly in love with eachother and couldn't be happier with our life. Until one day my husband came home from work and out of no where tells me that he is unhappy and not sure if he wanted to continue to be married to me. I was shocked and about fell on the floor over this news. I couldn't believe this was coming out of his mouth!!! He said he needed space so I decided to stay at my parents while he "cooled off". Being in such shock and knowing that this was not like him, I got suspecious. I grabbed his cell phone one time while he was outside and sure enough, I found text messages between him and a coworker that were very sexual and had naked pictures of her as well. I was in utter shock and went into a panic attack...I couldn't believe it! We were always the "perfect" couple...the one everyone looked up to! My husband found some "other" woman and wanted to leave the happy family he had for her. Trying to save things I quickly realized this was not going to work and he continued to see this woman while I was living in the house. The divorce got messy...all while I was in shock at who my husband has become. It was a mess and I felt like my life was over...our poor son, what will he think, how will I be able to move on, where will I go, etc. I was a stay at home mom and felt hopeless. HOWEVER with the strength of my friends and family, I stayed strong (for my son and myself) and made it through this divorce and moved on. The "other" woman moved in with my husband after I moved out and while this hurt me badly, I had to be strong and move on. Today I am engaged to an AMAZING man who went through the exact same thing I did (his wife cheated on him) and I seriously couldn't be happier. Just when I thought my life was going to be over, my life turned around and now it's perfect. My advice to those out there struggling with what to do and staying in something JUST because you will feel lost and feel like your life will be over...IT WON'T!! Be strong and I promise you that better things are about to come your way! I am not here saying that divorce is the answer because I do take my marriage vows seriously but when you get in a situation where the spouse is not willing to work on it (in my case, my husband) and is treating you like you are just some piece of trash (like mine did)...you deserve better! I struggled and I got help but I made it through and I'm a much better person because of it. What doesn't kill you WILL make you stronger!
Hang in there!!! (((hugs))) to all of you who are struggling in your marriage. I know the feeling.
Re: Advice/Comfort to those struggling
Best of luck to you.