Alright so Im going to ask for a divorce from my husband, due to different matters (cant keep a job cant pay bills, verbally abusive ect.). I wasnt to concern about custody till I over heard my husband and his brother talking. They both believe in 2012 the whole planet X thing. Ive been looking it up and its really scaring people, including my husband. Im worried by this fear if I should keep our daughter with me during December or any other highlighted days according the doomsday calender because he is scaredand I dont know what he might do. People are in a frenzy over the whole Planet X thing and talking about saving themselves from the suffering by taking thier own lives. My husband hasnt mentioned anything like that yet but still worries me on what he will do when the time comes closer. I do not believe in the world ending 2012 but I fear that my husband does and what he may do if the smallest thing might happen.
What should I do?
I know this sounds crazy but is it enough to bring up to a lawyer?
Re: Getting scared about child custody not just the normal stuff
3/12 5 mi -- 49:22 Pace: 9:52
5/1 Half Marathon -- 2:11:22 Pace: 10:01
5/22 10k -- 56:29 Pace: 9:00
5/24 3.6 -- 29:03 Pace: 8:18
7/10 15k -- 1:44:46 injured Pace: 11:14
10/29 5k -- 28:24 Pace: 9:04