My husband and I were married a month ago, we both had previously been sexually active with other ppl and were both celibate prior to meeting and continued to wait until we were married.
Problem- My husband's penis is small, like 3 inches on hard and thin skinny small. I feel like I waited 15 months to have amazing sex and its so small.
We prob have sex 2 maybe 3 times a week and its no that great. Oral is awesome but I really want to be know.
Today he asked me what can we do to have sex more, he prefers it everyday. I can't have un enjoyable sex everyday.
I love my husband but I don't know what to do, you ladies are my last resort since I clearly cant talk about this with anyone I know.
Re: Help!
I do not wish to add injury to insult but I am willing to bet that the "honey, let's remain celebate until we are married" was his great idea.:( Wonder why.
And this is also kind of fraudulent, when you come down to it. He should have told you what was what, not let you find out yourself.
You did no fooling around, you did not see him naked, you never went past 2nd base? If you groped aorund during a heavy petting session, you'd have gotten an idea of what type of anatomy and endowment his external genitalia consisted of during arousal.
He probably was not very sexually active with his other ladyfriends.
What I can suggest:
Couples sex manuals -- mainstream bookstores sell them. You and he browse and buy some and then follow the suggestions in the books. See what you both like and what you both think would work for you.
Woman on top would work best -- try riding him while he's lying down and you sit on his penis -- the reverse cowgirl should also work also.
Doggie style might also be a suggestion. Try the wheelbarrel, also.
Any position that offers you the maximum in penile penetration would be best -- legs around his neck would work, also -- put a pillow under your butt, also.
The more practice he gets, the more dynamic your sex life will be. There is also the option of toys, role playing and masturbation; try mutual masturbation or each of you put on a show for the other.:)
Get a divorce and marry a man with a bigger penis
Have an affair and if you will not do it, take SagaBegins advice but you said that will not happen, well enjoy having terrible sex until the day you die, your loss
An affair -- or an open marriage -- would only be okay if the both of them put the okay on it.
And a small penis need not mean "Terrible sex until the day you die." They need to work on this together -- and to find positions that will be of the maximum benefit to the OP.
If he won't work on this with the OP, this is bad news. This is now a character issue and an "I don't care about my partner's happiness" issue -- and these 2 issues are a great deal worse than a small penis.
You guys married each other for a reason. Yes, sex is important but I don't think this should be a deal breaker. You gotta work with what you got.
adam and eve has a section with penis enhancers. Not like extenze... like items he can put over top of his penis, extenders, rings, etc. That's an idea.
Here's what I would do... suggest shopping for toys on adam and eve or another similar site, peruse the male enhancement section, and say "honey, what do you think about this 4" cockkk extender?" It might be a good way to get around having an actual conversation about it and risking hurting his feelings.
Good luck!
Sorry but this made me laugh!
This man did NOT worry about his future wifes feeling when he married her under false pretences,....Frankly, that's a lot worse than being under-equipped in the courting tackle dept.!!
This IS going to be a major issue since the OP clearly enjoys and wants a 'fullfilling' experience in bed,....and he is just NOT equipped to provide that to her. This means that things will likely go one of two possible routes,........either they will settle into a less than ideal life in which she becomes steadily more embittered and sad ....or, she will suddenly find the sheer frustration all too much and leave/cheat.
The OP needs to REALLY think what this man means to her and whether she wants to take on this problem,..whether he is REALLY worth it. IF she decides that he is and his other assets outweigh his 'shortcomings', then they both need to have some real 'spade is a spade' conversations about how she is to feel satisfied and he is able to polish his sexual ego and feel OK too.
It might be a good idea to investigate the 'Sybian' machine,...although expensive this is a possiblilty for themm to enjoy sexual pleasure together,..she 'sits' in the machine which can be fitted with the right size 'attachment' that vibrates and twists etc,...while stimulating him with her hands/mouth etc.
Other possiblities are for him to use a 'strap-on' for some sessions so that she has a tangible sensation of normal intercourse,...perhaps one or more sessions a week interspersed with othe types of sexual contact would pl;ease both partners.
Lastly,...They both need make sure that he is making the most of what he has!........sort out the right postions by experiment, look at the 'Thundersplace' webiste's NOT possible to double th esize of ones organ and most of the commercial schemes are simply scams,..however, it IS perfectly possible to develop ones penis to it's full potential by use of the right excercises, especially those for girth, which would help considerably here.
Thanks for all the suggestions ladies, my husband is not over weight at all he works out and is in awesome shape, and I was also celibate before I met him so it wasn't really his idea. The crazy thing is I don't think he knows its little.
I would never tell him but I really love him, I truly do but I can't help but feel sad. I'm going to try different positions I have found online to see if that helps. I guess I just needed to tell someone and vent.
Don't listen to these other fools suggesting you divorce him or cheat on him - you love him, and he loves you, for better or for worse. I know sex is great, and that is ONE important aspect of a marriage, but it's not THE ONLY important aspect.
Try different positions, and maybe talk to him about it! Suggest different positions to make it feel better for both of you! (If he REALLY loves you, he'll WANT it to be good for you!)
And you are NOT crazy for remaining celibate before marriage, and he did not marry you under false pretenses.