May 2 I took my last run, 1 mile in shoes, .5 miles barefoot. The next night I went to my intermediate yoga class. The next day my foot started to hurt right near the toes. I chaulked it up to top of the foot pain commonly associated with barefoot running. I went to the chiropractor to see if he could adjust my foot because I was leaving for a cruise that Saturday.
Went on the cruise, managed all my shore excursions, and dealt with the increasing pain by being as gentle on it as possible. No running.
Came back from the cruise, went for another adjustment. No better, and no running or yoga. A week later, May 21, my chiropractor took x-rays to check for broken bones because the pain had creeped up to the center op of my foot. X-rays showed nothing, thought it might be a dropped metatarsal. Started adjustments for the next couple of weeks.
I went last Monday, told him that I need to pick up my x-rays, and he did no adjustments. Both co-workers and my chiropractor all recommended the same podiatrist. I went yesterday, Monday, and new x-rays showed a stress fracture in my third metatarsal. I'm in a boot for 6 weeks and need to give my Tower of Terror 10-miler bib to someone else.
So, in hindsight, I should have just gone to the podiatrist sooner. Here's the PSA part of this long post - the podiatrist said that stress fractures can sometimes take a month to show up on an x-ray. If you have pain in your feet and staying off of it and icing doesn't work, go see a podiatrist right away!
Re: stress fracture (and a PSA)
Actually, I started in February and walked barefoot for slowly increasing periods of time for the rest of that month. Ran barefoot for about .2 miles barefoot at beginning of March and SLOWLY increased to my max barefoot of 1 mile at the end of April. So over a 3-month period, I maxed at 1 mile. I just don't think that my bones are made for it, and there's no where to run that doesn't have uneven ground and/or fireants around our house, so i stuck to smooth concrete side walks.
Reason for the change to barefoot? Nasty shin splints and a heel-strike I was unable to break in shoes. The irony is that my last real run was in the semi-minimalist Brooks I was hoping to wear once I learned mid-foot strike.
ETA: There are a ton of resources out there that I can tell you if you want to know. I had running posts on my blog about the experience but was too frustrated looking at my lack of progress and utter failure at it that I deleted them yesterday.
Sadly, yes, stress fractures take awhile to show up on an x-ray. I had a similar experience.
Feel better!