I have to figure something out because I am going crazy!
I have a copper IUD inserted (Nova-T, although I assume it's similar to Paraguard in the US) and have had it for 2 1/2 years. I used to have short 3-5 day periods on a regular cycle before I had it put in, and now I generally have 8-10 day periods on a 28 day cycle which is ruining my sex life.
This month was even worse. I basically spotted or bled off and on from May 26 to June 22, and it only stopped because I was prescribed a large dose of ibuprofen and some birth control pills so that the hormones would make it stop.
It's only a few days later and I already feel crampy and like I will get a period again, so I just can't handle this anymore. I have an extremely high sex drive and this is very difficult for me.
From what I can tell, I don't have many options. I can have this copper pulled and get a Mirena, which will have the random spotting for a few months anyway, plus I'll have to deal with potential acne and weight gain. I also recall that when I was on BCP that it lowered my libido, and I'm not crazy about that idea.
I can just take BCP and leave the copper in as a backup, but I am not sure that with the length and heaviness of my periods if I could even skip them if I took the pills straight through. I am also concerned I'd forget to take the darn things. Also, I like ovulating because I really do go crazy then!
I can leave things as they are, but I dislike that I can't skip a period if I have plans. I have a weekend coming up next month that I would be very unhappy if I got my period during it. I also don't know if I can handle periods this long and heavy because they are making me feel miserable.
I'm not quite ready for a hysterectomy. I'm only 29 years old and while I think I am one and done, I can't be sure.
Any other ideas? Am I missing something? In my dream world, I want a nonhormonal way to either stop or greatly reduce getting periods, but I don't think that exists. My doctor is recommended I get this removed and get a Mirena, but I am a little worried about the side effects.
Re: Need birth control advice
29 and thinking of a hysterectomy? whoa...:(
You and the IUD are not compatible. Try Seasonale, Sesonique and the others that produce a period after taking the pills for 3 or 4 months. You might want to look into those.
There's also the diaphragm and a condom -- you can work both into foreplay; I have done so...:)
Yeah, it's that bad that I'd be considering a hysterectomy. Scary, huh? Before, I just dealt with it, but it is interfering with my sex life. I didn't know that periods this long could be harmful.
Diaphragm is not high enough effectiveness as birth control for me, and frankly condoms are awfully expensive (latex allergy) and for the frequency of sex I have it wouldn't work.
I'm not familiar with Seasonale. I'll look into that. Does it have fewer side effects than the Mirena?
I wouldn't know about the side effect of each -- but I took Seasonale for another reason for about 3 months -- I was fine.
There are also condoms that are not made of latex. Durex makes non-latex condoms.
You could go to the pharmco-related website for both BCP and see for yourself which would be better for you.
Indeed any type of prolonged menstrual bleeding is bad --- it sure put a strain on my bone marrow; I was having fibroid-related problems and I wound up getting iron infused by IV.
Oh, I know there's non latex condoms; actually that's why I mentioned I have a latex allergy because the non latex ones are seriously expensive. Not that even latex condoms are cheap. I think it's by far the most expensive method of birth control.
Thanks for the tip about long periods though. I really had no idea, and that's made it clear to me that I am going to do something about it rather than just suffer. I have a high pain/inconvenience tolerance but even I hit my limit this past month.
I would prefer to be sterilized myself instead of my husband, when we are ready to make that decision, but for now, I'm not.
Condoms are just uncomfortable for me. I know I can't do latex, but even with non latex it really just takes a lot of the pleasure of sex out for me. I know they aren't supposed to be able to but yes I can really feel the difference. It's not something I want to deal with.
Definitely not interested in NFP because at this time I do not want any more children.
I'm sorry you had such rough issues with BC! With the exception of the ten months where I was either trying to conceive or pregnant (yup, first try), I've been on some form all my life. I used the pill for 12 years and then the copper after having my son. I remember having decreased libido, but nothing as serious sa yours so I hope I won't react badly to whatever option I end up getting on Thursday.
No, I've never tried Nuvaring. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
I must admit, the idea weirds me out a little. Anywhere I can get my fingers inside my vagina is not exactly somewhere I'd want to be putting birth control in case it came out during sex.
I was on NR for about 3 months. The entire 3 months I had diarrhea. It stopped about a month after I stopped using the NR.
A friend of mine got pregnant on the NR. Twice.
Be careful on the shot...2 years is the max they recommend for users due to the bone density thing. I've seen people in their 20-30s with broken hips and hip replacements due to the osteoporosis it causes.
I just use spermicide. You can feel everything and its pretty effective. I dont agree with the way hormonal birth control works because it has a back up plan in case an egg does get released. It affects the lining of the uterus so even if an egg is fertilized it cant attach.
Also hormonal bc can really mess your body up. Anyway, Ive used the Today sponge (hard to put in and it was uncomfortable for me but some ppl love it), spermicide gel, diaphram, and spermicide foam (my favorite).
Hope this helps.