I'm hoping you all might be able to give me some recommendations or suggestions, as you were all helpful a few years ago when DH and I were heading to Paris. I've changed my username since then but anyway...we'll be leaving in 3 weeks for Copenhagen, where we'll be embarking on an 11-day Scandinavian cruise. We'll be hitting Oslo, Norway, Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark, Tallinn, Estonia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Warnemunde, Germany, Stockholm, Sweden, and Helsinki, Finland. (A looong list and a lot of places to see in 11 days!)
Are there any must see's you can recommend as we'll only have a day in each port, with the exception of St. Petersburg where we'll have an overnight? Things we shouldn't waste our time on? Must-purchase souvenirs?
I appreciate anything you have to offer! We're so excited to experience this part of the world and we'll definitely be out of our comfort zone. Thanks so much!!
Re: Scandinavian Cruise