Hi girls, this is my first q post on the nest . I can see there are many experienced fitness enthusiasts on this board, so i decided it's a good place to get advice. Are there any yoga instructors here? I would love to get certified - and actually learn quality yoga, philosophy behind it, get tutored in ppl skills, everything needed to be a good instructor.
There are so many styles out there, and so many schools, I can't tell what would be the right path. I love Astanga and Vinyasa, I think there is space for creativity there, plus I consider them sort of basic or original yoga practices (meaning not too modified by the West, with roots in Indian practices & philosophy). I recently got into Bikram, and love the idea of hot yoga as well, so ideally I would like to get certified in both.
If you have or know anyone that has experience as a yoga instructor, pls share! I would like to find a good school, and a good mentor. I want to really learn, and am searching for fair pricing. Thanks!
Re: Yoga teacher training
Hi Matea!
I am a Yoga Sculpt instructor in Chicago. At first I did not want to do Yoga but I signed up and somehow got into Yoga Sculpt and I love it! I love teaching and picking up music for the flow of the class because it is not the standard Yoga classes it is the regular everyday music.
Places you can go is Yoga Journal which advertises so many different types and styles of Yoga. Another is as RevJen said go around your area and see when they are holding instructor trainning and how much is it. It can get pricey to not so pricey and many have payment plans. I would also do research as well to see if you can roam elsewhere and is not a scam.
Thanks for the advice, I am actually an avid Ayurvedic believer myself! I got cured from allergies thru ayurveda at age 12, and my mom became an Ayurvedic healer afterwards, so I grew up with it. I also got a BA in Hindu studies, and have traveled to India (5+y ago though). That is why I am really interested in hearing about good experience, and good training systems. I am not in a place where I could go to India again and study there, and I moved to where I am now fairly recently, so I don't know many yogis here. It seems to me that anyone in the west can pick up a book, take a weekend course, and is a trainer, but don't have deeper connection to the origins of yoga. So I'm asking wherever I can to get practical advice
All of the advice has been good so far, thnx guys!