I'm 32 years old. I've got good skin for the most part. I put moisturizers around my eye and on my face/neck each night and morning and have since I was 29.
Under my eyes I've got some wrinkles and recently, I've been feeling a bit crappy about it. So of course I've been looking at other women my age, and I don't see this on my most of them. I have a child but she sleeps through the night now (so sleep deprivation isn't a problem) and I drink enough water.
I know there are "firming" and "anti-wrinkle" creams but my assumption is that they are all a bunch of b.s. Am I wrong? Are there actual eye creams that help with wrinkles that have formed, or once you got them, you just have to deal? I always assumed the latter, but I would LOVE to be incorrect.
Re: Under Eye Wrinkles
I would not say the claims are 100% guaranteed, but it's not b.s. either. Add a anti wrinkle product to your skin care regimen, you can also benefit from product that would let your skin shed the top layer, something like Retin-A. Always wear a sunscreen and sunglasses, too. I am 36, will be 37 in Sept, I have not always been wearing my eye cream, but recently noticed that I am getting a few wrinkle and started wearing my eye cream every night for the past three months and I have seen results.
And don't be hard on yourself, I find myself being too critical of my certain appearance, but no body else really notices those flaws. I'm working on myself to step back and look myself in a regualr mirror instead of the magnifying mirror, when I get concerned about certain things.
Genetics. dryness, smiling, squinting, Some women show age around the eyes early b/c oils are not naturally in the eye area. So, if you aren't using an anti aging eye cream, start!
and SPF, glasses, etc as PP stated.
My heart is as open as the sky.
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2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
All the above! I've long since accepted this aging process (to an extent, lol). I know we can't completely prevent wrinkles but we can slow them down, soften them, etc. Sounds like it's time you added an anti-aging eye cream to your skin regimen, in addition to the moisturizer. There are so many out there, I've tried a few, and I can't say one is way better than the other. You don't have to spend mega bucks on a high end product, Olay makes great anti-aging products, they have a huge line of good stuff.
Another thing.. be gentle with your eye area. The skin around your eye is really delicate, so you don't ever want to pull or tug on it. If you pull your eye taut to put on eyeliner....STOP. That can cause crows feet. If you need to pull your skin in order to put on eyeliner, rather than pulling your eye to the side, grab your eyebrow with your thumb and gently pull up to elongate your lid instead.
Another quick thing just bc I want to make sure... are you using a separate eye cream and moisturizer? Or are you using the same moisturizer for your eyes, face, and neck? Using a moisturizer meant for your face under your eyes can cause milia, teeny tiny little bumps. You want to use one product for your face and a different for your eye area.