This may be a stupid question.
So DH and I decided that this month is last pill pack, and we'll start TTC next month. Here's my problem:
I just finished week 1, next week we are going on vacation with his family, week 3 we will be at home, and week 4 (when I'm due for my period) we'll be on our 2nd honeymoon (we were both sick and spent half our honeymoon in doctors' offices, so we decided to have a do-over before we start trying for a family... we bought all the tickets a while ago, and I just noticed the timing).
If I quit taking the pill early will my period come early (ideally during week 3, when we're at home)?
I actually skipped it on our original honeymoon (3 years ago) by skipping the pink pills and starting the next pack, but I'd rather not buy another pill pack if I don't have to. (I don't want to delay TTC, I already cancelled my auto-refill at the pharmacy, unnecessary expense, blah blah bad excuses, I know)
Re: Quitting BCP ?
I did this before the wedding/honeymoon and it worked just fine. For me it's very routine: if I stop taking my pills I get my period 3 days later. There was one time when I forgot to take two pills in a row on week 2 of pills and still woke up the next morning and had gotten my period. So yes, if you quit taking them early you should get your period.
thanks for the advice! I discussed it with DH, and I'm just going to go ahead and do the extra month. I was pretty irregular before going on bcp about 9 years ago, and I don't want to risk getting it while we're on the trip... or getting it now and still having it while we're on the trip.