Green Living
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Mama Pads or cloth maxi's

Hey guys,

I am unable to wear "regular" maxi pads as I have a sensitivity.  Does anyone wear anything other than the ones sold at most stores?  If so, what do you use? 

Re: Mama Pads or cloth maxi's

  • I am 27 and use a combination of cloth pads and a diva cup. I switched two years back after seeing an add for Lunapads in *** magazine. I switched mostly for the green aspect and because disposables always irritated me. I use mostly Lunapads but also have some Party in my Pants pantyliners (PIMP). My favorite thing about using cloth pads is that I never have to worry about running out of disposables, or going down that aisle at the store. I rinse my pads out when I shower every morning, and then let them dry and toss them in with a load of laundry.

    I don't use my divacup a lot, mostly for swimming or if I am going to be traveling. There are several different varieties of menstrual cups: the lunette, the moon cup, and the instead cup (disposable).

    If you want to try Lunapads, they have a $5 coupon if you subscribe to their newsletter. Both Lunapads and PIMP have free sample offers of one pad, you only pay shipping. Gladrags is another well known brand. There are also quite a few smaller vendors of homemade pads on Etsy or if you google. 

    Blessings as you explore the world of clothe pads!

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