My fifteen month old pug Bandit has always loved people and wants to meet every adult, child or dog. Lately, he has been running away out of our yard (no physical fence and unable to put one in) to go say "Hi!". He normally has come back if I bribe him by saying "Chicken treat" (which I know is NOT okay) but this morning he took off and I had to physically wait until my neighbor held him until I got there. I do not want to be 'the neighbor with the crazy pug'. When he does meet someone, he jumps up and give them kisses.
Any training suggestions on how we can keep him in the yard and come back when called? Any help on jumping up when meeting people?
Re: Pug wants to say "Hi" to everybody!
You can and should work on voice recall, but for your dog's safety and the safety of your neighbors, he should be kept on a leash or long-lead when he's in an unfenced area, even you own yard. Your dog may be friendly, but if he charges someone else's dog, that dog may not react in a friendly way. (Many a serious dog fight has started this way). Not to mention the dangers posed by traffic. Or any neighbors who may pass by and may be uncomfortable being approached by a strange dog.
Please be safe and keep him on leash.
"The hardest thing is to live richly in the present without letting it be tainted out of fear for the future or regret for the past." - Sylvia Plath
I have two very high energy dogs and live in a rented duplex with very little yard. My dogs are out on a leash every time. They have terrific recall, but in this neighborhood with the houses on top of each other and with our being so close to the highway, I would hate for anything to happen because I didn't put a leash on one of them.
I agree you should have him on a leash. You can buy 20 foot training leads. We bought a tie out for our chihuahua because she isn't the best listener and we hook her up, I sit and drink coffee and bring her in. When it's late you can stand by the door and dont need to worry about walking in the yard. You can tie the long training lead to a post or tree and let him run and just watch if you dont want to stand all the way in the yard.
Ditto. If an unknown dog came charging up to me, my dog would tear him to pieces if I didn't put her into 'stand down' fast enough. She's not friendly with other dogs and we go to great lengths to ensure other dogs' safety - sturdy fence, never off leash around other animals, no greeting other people or animals, extensive obedience training, etc. I am forever having to be the "mean lady" in our neighborhood and wave off (and occasionally kick at) other dogs who are not leashed and try to approach me and mine while we're walking. But it's for everyone's safety. Can you get an electric fence? If not, then for his own safety, your pup needs to be leashed at all times when he's outside until he's trained not to stray.
I would recommend a strong training course for YOU in how to train recall. You can't train the dog unless you've been trained yourself. Vocal recalls with sound devices can be very effective - collars that make beeping noises, etc that are paired with your vocal recall to alert the dog that the command is being given. Check with your local Petsmart or ask your vet - Vets get TONS of local trainers advertising, and chances are they know one who can specialize and help you. There are a lot of different ways to train recall, so choose carefully because switching up and changing strategies very often will confuse the dog and do exactly opposite what you want.