I'm only on here occasionally, this is kind of more of a rant than anything but I wanted to know if other people have experienced this same issue and what your reaction was...
We have a sweet, extraordinarily well-behaved 4 month old lab/shepherd mix that we love very dearly. She isn't spayed yet, we have an appointment in a couple of days to ask the vet when we should schedule it. I know it's generally between 4 and 6 months. Anyway, a couple of days ago, I was walking her in the grassy common area on a leash when my neighbor's un-neutered and un-leashed boxer ran at her, jumped on her, and tried to mount her. I quickly pulled her away and picked her up before anything happened. Needless to say, I absolutely lost it and yelled at him about neutering his dog - especially when the owner just said "no hump" and stood there instead of pulling his dog off. Our apt complex has leash rules but clearly they're not enforced. Should I report him? I don't want to create enemies but we're leaving in a month or two to move into a house anyway.
My puppy was fine, more confused than anything, but I was MAD. What would y'all have done in this situation?
Re: Not-neutered Neighbor Dogs
Other dogs hump my male dog b.c. he is so submissive. If people don't acknowledge it, I body block and if I feel uncomfortable I yell, "Get your dog off of my dog!"
It's not really your place to tell them to neuter their dog, although I understand the temptation. I would just tell him politely and calmly that my dog does not like being humped and if he can't control his dog I will report them to management.
I'm past the point of giving a *** whether my neighbors like me when it comes to animal ownership.
I don't get you? Your posts never make sense. ever. and they are about a week late
It's a spammer.
Because apparently all the mods defected after the board "upgrade" debacle and there's no one to report spammers to the Nest gods to be banned.