I apologize if this has been asked a zillion times, it's my first venture to this board since being married...
My husband and I bought our home two years ago but have not changed a single thing (except replacing all appliances with new ones). The bathrooms are the original 1970 decor, one is pink and one is blue. We plan to redo the bathrooms as our first project, my Uncle who does work on the side, is on hand to be hired, and we provide the supplies. Actual bathroom fixtures and paint have been picked out, but I am stumped on where to find tile. Home Depot and Lowes are mostly plain, neutral colors. I am interested in spa-green/blue maybe some yellow type of theme for one bathroom-this one I will splurge a bit on, but the tile store near me is 3x the cost of Home Depot. I'm hoping someone here may be able to steer me in the right direction! I live in NY, 40 minutes North of city if that helps.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Where to buy color bathroom tile?
We wanted to decorate our master shower in a very taste specific stone tile (slate) and did a lot of research on it. We ended up following my dad's advice and going much more neutral but made it unique.
We ended up choosing a porcelain tile so that the maintenace would be easy peasy but in my case, I wanted interest and accents. So I designed the tile work to have pattern since the tile itself was plain.
I chose to use 12x12 up 5 ft, then a 6" row of 2x2s in coordinating colors, then diagonal 6x6s to the ceiling. We also used the same 2x2s on the floor.
I ended up saving a ton of money on the tile since we chose the more plain option (from Lowes), and the shower isn't too taste specific. FWIW, we aren't planning on this being our forever home otherwise taste-specific would have won out.
I think you can get a unique look using neutral tiles, buy using accents and colors, but that is just my opionion.
After 31 cycles and two losses, we've been blessed with a healthy baby girl!
Congrats to both of my amazing TTC Buddies, tdmd09 and sb2006!!
Life of Amberley
We have purchased quite a bit of our tile from Ann Sacks. We also had some tile custom made in California. Check Costco - they have a ton of great tiles - don't let the shipping scare you - we bought 2,000 pounds from Costco and the shipping was $40. Check mom and pop places as well - they are usually a tad cheaper but can order a wide variety.
Personally, I have avoided HD and Lowe's like the plague. Generally, you can get a much better product for the same price or a tad bit more elsewhere.