My lab has always have very allergy prone skin. We tried him on one type of steroid first and he would howl to go out every hour or so....not like him. He's been on one other type of steroid up to this point and did great with it. I can't remember which type of pill it was but it was a capsule that was dark green on the bottom and light green on top.
At his latest check up, the vet wanted to try him on a new medicine to see if that would help his allergy flare ups stay more at bay for longer periods of time. She prescribed Temaril-P. I started him on it this morning. He's supposed to get 2 doses of 3 pills for four days. Then the dosages decline from there.
He's been acting strange since the first dose. I thought he was just being lazy. Then after the second dose he just laid around. He wouldn't play with his toys, wouldn't give loves, nothing.
Then twice in less than 4 hours he was laying down, then he would stand up and there would be a pool of urine where he was laying. He wasn't even squatting like he normally does when he uses the bathroom. The last time he had the accident he was headed towards the door because DH was going to take him out and he was just urinating while he was walking.
I'm calling the vet in the morning because I feel like he's having some pretty adverse side effects. I've done some Googling and it seems that frequent urination is a side effect (makes sense-it is a steroid) but it seems like he has no control of his bladder right now.
He had this problem with the very first steroid the vet gave him which is why we switched the the shades of green pills.
Just wondering if any one else has had this issue before and what your experiences were?
Re: Temaril-P
Poor guy. Oz was on steroids all last summer due to bad allergies causing huge flare ups in between his pads on his paws (bacteria and yeast infections on top of inflammation). The only time he's had accidents since he was a puppy was while he was on steroids.
We finally did a round of cyclosporine and it nipped his really bad flare up in the bud. He still has allergy problems, but nothing like it was last year.
I would talk to your vet about your concerns with your guy being on steroids and how he's acting and has reacted in the past. I know my mom used to have her old dog get steroid shots during allergy season. I would ask your vet if he thought this might have different side effects than oral medication.
It's a combo antihistimine (which can make them woozy) and predisone. Supposedly, the Temaril doesnt make them pee quite as much but I have not found that to be the case. My dog will go out every half hour to hour while on her allergy meds.
I'm glad you are calling the vet. Perhaps the first dosage was too high.