I posted about this a few weeks ago and got a GREAT response! It looks like we'll be doing this again and I'm excited!!! It's a fun way to get to know other L.A. nesties and a great excuse to go shopping. :-D
If you are interested, please post your email address here or email me directly at: hotrodkittykat@yahoo.com. I'll collect email addresses until Monday. I'll probably repost this info on Friday for the weekend nesties.
You can expect receive an email on Tuesday morning from elfster.com to register and confirm your participation. Once everyone has RSVP-ed, names will be pulled and you will receive a confirmation email from Elfster alerting you to who your Secret Santa recipient is. At that point you will be able to ask questions anonymously and learn more about your secret nestie so that you can find 1 or more ornaments that fit their personality. You can gift your nestie by mail or in person. :-)
If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to post them here and I(or any of the others who've previously particpated) can answer them.
Thank you!!!!
Re: On a lighter note...3rd Annual L.A. Nestie Ornament Exchange!!!!
Count me in, you have my email addy.
Thanks for organizing again, it's so much fun.
Ooo! I'm excited! I think I'll pull out my ornaments early to take pics and post them. Maybe this will help my Secret Santa know what I already received in prior ornament exchanges.
BTW - I'm hoping to one day cover my tree with just Nestie ornaments! Wouldn't that be a hoot!
I can't wait! This is so much fun! Thanks for organzing it Nicole!
You have my address )
We have a house that deserves a tree this year so count me in!
evalran at gmail dot com
Do we do a get together I'm still waiting for that sweets get together?
Count me in
godsinstitution at yahoo dot com
I was just thinking about this yesterday. Thank you.
I'm in!!! JenHatlestad at hotmail dot com
Hi Nicole,
my email address is mrspineapple 27 at yahoo.com
I've been MIA but can you add me please. robert22steph@hotmail.com
vukewed at yahoo dot com
My Food Blog
I was trying to decide if I'd do it this year... Trying to cut back where we can. But I can't resist. So count me in.
i would love to participate this year!
karii7 at hotmail dot com
thanks for organizing!