So if you read my previous post, DH is still in the hospital. He's due to have surgery tomorrow to remove his gallbladder. I'm glad they've gotten to the root of the problem, because this week long ordeal has been a stress-fest. This is how my week went:
Monday: in the ER with DH and DS all morning. It is brought to my attention that I forgot to bring some important papers from his previous hospital stay, so I had to hop in the car to zig zag in and out of rush hour traffic to retrieve it. DH admitted, ran errands, lost wedding ring (but you already knew that)
Tuesday: visiting DH with DS in tow when I am informed that children under 12 are not allowed to visit. Had to jump back in the car and drop off DS at a friend's house. (Did I mention that the hospital is a good 20-30 min from our neighborhood and DH is a gas Nazi? It is. And he is.) Visit with DH for awhile until he gets taken away for testing and I promise I'll be there waiting. Oh I waited..... FOR TWO HOURS! DH arrives just as my friend texts to tell me that DS is hungry and she has no food.
Wednesday: Ahhhh..... a day off.... NOT! DS has no sitter so we're home for the day. I spend all day on the phone with Aflac, the electric company (45 minutes on hold), the cable company, the Illinois Board of Education about various concerns that I have put on the back burner over the past week or so. Swept under the bed, washed four days worth of dishes, visited a possible new day care for DS and tried to do some prep work for the new school year before passing out at 11:30.
Thursday: Woke up in a general state of panic at around 5am. Figured out next months bills. Then figured them out again. And again. Was just dozing off at 9 when SIL called and begged me to pick her and her kids up and meet with an aunt to go to the hospital. Dragged myself out of bed and onto the expressway, then back on for a 45 min ride to the hospital. Watched all the kids while SIL and aunt visited with DH for an hour. Wanted to slap them all, including mine. Only got to visit with DH for 30 mins, which was plenty because he already had a list of demands for his return, including that I fix our old car asap so I can drive it and give him back "his" car and that I get all my "work junk" out of the bedroom.
Now I'm doing more prep work and a project that I promised my aunt for tomorrow.
Can I go into the hospital when he goes home? I need a vacation.
Re: Not Coping Well.....
Sounds like you're real busy these days. Hope all goes well.
Is there a friend who can come over and give you a shoulder to cry on? You deserve an enormous hug!
Hang in there!
I'd say you're doing a great job but it's time for everyone else to fend for themselves before you break. DS and SIL need to figure out there issues on their own.