My husband and I have been married almost a year now, and I feel like we've lost some of the passion for sex that we once had. We've been together for 4 years now, and before we got married, we were probably at 2-3x a week. I started school again since getting married, so I'm definitely busier than I was, but sex just isn't a high priority for us, and we probably have sex once every one or two weeks. He and I have discussed it, and we have good communication, but for some reason, we just can't bump up our average! We fall asleep cuddling every night, and compliment each other and say tons of "I Love you's " so the love is there but not the passion we used to have. I love him so much and I want to be intimate with him, but sex feels like work instead of fun to me. Any advice on how to get the fun back?
Oh, I also started taking a low dose of antidepressants since we got married, so that may also be a contributing factor, but it's such a small amount ( I literally have the lowest dose possible and I break the pills in half) that I'm not sure if it's making a difference or not. I'd love any and all ideas! Thanks!
**Just a note, he's 26, and I'm 22, so I feel like we shouldn't even be having this issue.
Re: Need a sex drive boost.
You and he need to work on this together.
Sit down and talk to him -- together discuss how to spice things up a little.
Maybe buy some couples' oriented sex manuals -- Amazon and other mainstream book stores sell them -- browse together. Maybe start small with inviting him into the shower with you, or you jump in with him on a whim.
It's not that I got depressed after being married. I've been depressed for a long time, but only recently started seeing a therapist and taking antidepressants. Before the wedding, I had kept myself so busy and preoccupied planning, and after everything was over, I went downhill emotionally really fast since I was no longer planning the wedding.
That all sounds super sad, but I'm not a grouchy or moody person. My therapist prescribed my dose because I can't make enough serotonin without it. I would say it is a vital dose, and I'm doing other things to make myself feel better like exercise and keep myself busy with fun things, but my sex drive just plummeted.