I am pregnant and super sensitive to smells. I cannot change the litter box and DH is away at a police academy m-f so we are only able to change the litter box on the wknds. Unless, I get a nice friend or family member to come do it, but I hardly ever ask because well its a gross task. I love my kitty boy to death, but the stentch has got to go! We already keep it down stairs, as far away as possible, but some how, some way the stink gets up (probably threw our kitty door that is in the basement door). I usually end up sprinkling baking powder ontop of it (the kind they have with the kitty litter at stores) but that only masks the smell for awhile.
Are there any other brands of litter that really help with the smell? Anything else I can do? What are your thoughts/suggestions?
Re: My kitty litter box SMELLS!! Obvioulsy lol...
Continue to sprinkle on the baking powder.
Things you may want to try:
Use a multi cat litter
Try different brands of litter (to find what works best for you and kitty)
Scoop out the clumps & poo every day or twice a day (His job)
Get an enclosed litter box with charcoal filter
Keep the air clean with an oderless freshner/ deoderizer in the same room
What do you feed your cat? A high-quality food can help with the smell.
Also, I'd make an effort to get the litter box cleaned more often. Is the smell or the worry of toxoplasmosis that prevents you from cleaning it?
Cats are very particular about where they do their business and if it's not clean enough they'll go outside the box.
5 cats. 1 baby.