I'm going to the OBGYN tomorrow, and I want to chat with her about TTC. We're not starting yet, but it could be within the next year or, if not, then within the next two or three years. (Obviously, we haven't 100% decided on a time frame yet).
So, I want to ask her any questions that I need to think about before TTC. So far, I've got on my list to ask about vitamins and folic acid and mercury (since I eat ALOT of fish).
Anything else I need to remember to ask about? I admit I haven't really done any research at all yet, because we're not starting right away, but with as long as it takes to get in for an appointment, I want to go ahead and get most of my answers now.
TIA! :-)
Re: Pre-TTC ?s for Doctor
If you are using any methods of birth control, you could ask them how long you should refrain from trying to get pregnant after stopping the birth control. Some doctors recommend waiting a couple months (while others don't!), depending on what you are on.
If you mother had any problems with her pregnancies, you could bring those up as well.
Honestly, I didn't really have any questions for my doctor before we tried to get pregnant. lol So hopefully someone else can come up with a few more for ya.
I have seen the book "Before Your Pregnancy: A 90 Day Guide for Couples How to Prepare" By Ann Ogle recommended on the Getting Pregnant Boards as well as "Take Charge of Your Fertility". I guess there a lot of really good books out there so that board may help. I found there are a lot of girls trying to get information a year ahead of time to make sure they are as healthy as possible.
I never asked any questions either...just went off the pill and started trying. It happened right away.
I would say start taking prenatals now. They are great vitamins to be on anyway.
I did exactly this as well. I took the Target prenatals before I got the "good ones" from the dr. : )
No, I'd be happy to. It was a relatively straightforward conversation, because I'm in pretty good health so there were no major issues to discuss.
She agreed it would be good idea to get on prenatal vitamins. She said the OTC ones and the RX ones are both fine. I opted for the prescription, so I can have my insurance pay for them. :-)
I asked her about fish, because I eat alot of it, and she cleared things up for me a lot. My favorite salmon, tilapia and shellfish are fine; no worries there. Tuna, which I eat regularly, plus shark and swordfish, which I rarely eat, are not so good. She didn't suggest changing my diet now, but suggested that I probably cut back on the tuna once I start TTC and while I'm pregnant. She admitted that her advice was on the conservative side, so others may not agree, but I'm ok with that. I can certainly live with less tuna while I'm TTC.
I think the only other major suggestion she had was for me to get familiar with my cycle, and see if I can figure out when I'm ovulating. I've never paid attention to ovulation before, so I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing to become more aware of it now. I have kind of an irregular cycle, so I don't know if that's why she suggested that or if she'd suggest it to everyone, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt.
DH and I are kind of excited. We know we both need to wait a little longer, but even just making plans and talking about it is kind of exciting!