I identify myself as a Christian. I go to a church that believes in the Bible and Jesus. I think my church is pretty moderate. And while our national church leadership doesn't ordain people who are actively practicing homosexuals, that doesn't mean that we believe they shouldn't have rights. DH is a minister---we're pretty conservative in our beliefs as well as our politics. We both voted for McCain and No on 8.
We don't believe that our moral beliefs as Christians should be forced onto others through the government. Our church would NEVER tell their congregants how to vote on a person or a proposition.
So please don't put Christians in a box. Not everyone is that same. I'm not going to debate anyone here on the Nest---but I also don't want to be judged for my beliefs--just like I don't (publicly ) judge you.
Re: Please don't label me
Yep. And he's a conservative Christian.
My Food Blog
I guess her husband felt that it was wrong to impose his beliefs onto the lives of others.
Thank you for your stand on this.
I look forward to the day when the religious people in this country who believe as you do take a stand and speak up against the religious folks who preach hate and intolerance.