Not sure if this is the right forum or not but-- pretty sure I have an access, it's not a tooth but rather in my jaw. I've had 2 root canals and all 4 wisdom teeth out in the last few months so there's a good chance something went wrong somewhere along the line. Anyways-- the last few nights I have been woken up in the most severe pain I've ever had in my life-- about a 20 on a 10-- radiating through my jaw. I can barely eat. My jaw is sore, my chin keeps going numb and then not numb, I feel like I'm running a fever, I'm dizzy and generally feel like crap, my skin is blotchy today too. Vicodin/ibuprofen not helping at all. Nausea and dizziness have progressively gotten worse today.
I am supposed to see the dentist tomorrow at 9 AM (couldn't get in earlier because I can't miss work right now, new job) but I called a little bit ago to ask if I should go to the ER since I can't get in before tomorrow. They told me it's up to me. My hangup is I'm not sure what the ER can do for me, but I don't want to risk this being a blood infection or something that I really need attention for ASAP. I'm also not sure what the dentist can do for me other than put me on antibiotics and refer me to an oral surgeon.
What would you do? I'm leaning towards going to the ER to be on the safe side but I don't want it to be a waste of time, esp. since I have an appointment in the AM.
Re: Dental Abcess-- ER or wait? WWYD?
I'd go to the ER if you are running a fever. It's an infection - it has to be taken care of. A fever is a sign that the infection is becoming serious.
The ER doc might open it (depending it on where it is... I'm not sure if it's deep, accessible, etc) but he will definitely give you antibiotics. You need antibiotics.
Can you get it to your GP? He can prescribe something for you, as well.
I'm a dental assistant: Your dentist (the receptionist) shouldve made things clear for you when you called and made the appt. The ER will only give you antibiotics. Your dentist should give you a prescription over the phone so you don't have the ER cost. Warm salt water rinses may pull out some infection. Sleep tonight leaning up that way there won't be much change in pressure. Cold/Heat may give you some relief as well. Pain medication won't do much good unless it knocks you out. The pain comes from pressure of the infection having nowhere to go which is why the antibiotics are your best choice for pain relief and good to get in ASAP! Abscesses are no fun. :0(