So, my FI and I met up with some friends on Sunday to go to this well known dog park in our city. I've never been, but man I love it! Basically it's a huge nature trail and you can pick different paths to bring your dogs. I was amazed at how busy it was. Anyways, I never met their dog before but FI told me that he was huge! Boy...he wasn't kidding.
BUT, Bella and Tyson (their dogs name) were best buds and are officially named "The Fur Pack!" They became best buds and we found it quite humerous because of their size difference. If a dog started annoying Tyson, Bella would chase them away and vise versa. Here's some pics that took so you could see their size difference!
Re: Cutest Friends Ever
Thats freaking adorable! When FI and I are settled after the wedding we are going house hunting in the country {fingers crossed} and I would looovvveee to get a big dog like this. Bella would love it and since she thinks she's a huge dog herself, they would make a perfect pair. lol