What time do you usually arrive to work?
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they?
Hour lunch or Half an Hour?
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for?
Favorite going out lunch?
I wish I had a ______ by my office.
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10?
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done?
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet?
Music or no music allowed?
One thing you would change about your job ____________
Re: Work Poll!
What time do you usually arrive to work? 8ish
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 2
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? Hour
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? 1, with possible layoffs that might happen, why wouldn't she want me gone and not her.
Favorite going out lunch? CA Pita, Nipa Hut, or Soups
I wish I had a ______ by my office. Zankou. But they are opening one up on Ventura and Corbin soon.
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? 8, he's pretty chill.
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? I have no work right now.
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? A handful.
Music or no music allowed? No music
One thing you would change about your job ____________ How it takes 10-15 to get from my car to my desk.
What time do you usually arrive to work? between 7:30-8 (flex schedule)
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 5
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? half, but we can change if we want.
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? 2 one told on me because I was using the computer to charge my zune!
Favorite going out lunch? Subway it is a walk away
I wish I had a fruit stand guy by my office.
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? 6 she can spaz sometimes
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? 20-50%
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? like 1 or 2
Music or no music allowed? music allowed but no earpiece
One thing you would change about your job were not allowed to talk while working!
What time do you usually arrive to work? 8:15 - 8:30am
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 2
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? 1/2 T - Th and 1h on Fri
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? None. But I do keep my eye on 1 or 2 possibilities
Favorite going out lunch? Northridge Mall
I wish I had a ______ by my office. I dunno...
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? 8-9
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? I get more work done, because I'm ablt to focus on one thing at a time.
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? maybe once. my back is to the wall so no one can really see what I'm doing.
Music or no music allowed? I'm not sure, no one really plays it though. It's so busy here and volunteers come & go all day, so it's better not to.
One thing you would change about your job Um...Some of the people I deal with, but they're not my co-workers. Did that make any sense at all?
What time do you usually arrive to work? 9:00ish
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? If one is the low end...then a 1
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? Hour
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? None
Favorite going out lunch? Portos
I wish I had a Macy's by my office.
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? Ten being the worst, a 10
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? Same as when the boss is here
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? None
Music or no music allowed? Allowed
One thing you would change about your job - my boss
What time do you usually arrive to work? 8:00 - 8:30am
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 2
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? 1 hour
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? 2
Favorite going out lunch? Paradise or Miyabi's
I wish I had a ______ by my office. Starbucks
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? I have 3 bosses, one is a 10 he's really cool, one is an 8 and the other a 2
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? 20-50%
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? none so far (knock on wood)
Music or no music allowed? Allowed. Good thing too, because I can't work when it's soooo quiet.
One thing you would change about your job Nothing really, maybe have my own office.
What time do you usually arrive to work? 8:30
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 3...
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? 1 hour
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? 0....laid back office.
Favorite going out lunch? May Garden, when I can afford it:)
I wish I had a ______ by my office. A GYM!
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? 7- he's fun, I like him sometimes.
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? 20%
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? 0-boo yah!
Music or no music allowed? -headphones and I listen to sirius all day
One thing you would change about your job? 'MO MONEY!
8:30 - 8:45 am
half hour
tv with cable
music allowed
work phone rings more
Since I'm going back in two weeks.. ugh!
What time do you usually arrive to work? by 10 everyday but Weds, when I'm there by 8:30 to do layout.
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 3: office hours are flexible, but we do actually have to turn stuff in.
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? I mark a half hour on my time card, but I'm really gone for....
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? None, thank God. I'm one of the darlings in the office -smile sweetly and keep your mouth shut!
Favorite going out lunch? Home lunch is best, nothing good nearby
I wish I had a Chipotle! or a Jamba Juice by my office.
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? 8/9.. both my editor and publisher are pretty rad, but I sometimes really dislike how my editor chooses to edit and what she edits out (she's not into colorful descriptors, I guess)
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? about the same as when she's there... very little! I get a lot done at home
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? I keep it open the whole day, but I frequently have to quickie close it..
Music or no music allowed? none, and it's so boring!
One thing you would change about your job: I wish our requirement wasn't 5 stories a week -it's hard to come up with that many each week. Also, I wish the city I covered webcast their council meetings like every other civilized city.
What time do you usually arrive to work? 8:10 or 8:15, although I'm supposed to be here at 8:00.
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 3
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? Hour
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? No one really pays attention.
Favorite going out lunch? Once a month, we try to get out of here and avoid cafeteria food. We like BJs and Panda Inn.
I wish I had a Coffee Bean or a Robek's by my office.
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? 8, he's pretty cool and available when I run into issues.
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? It's about the same. If I don't do it, then it piles up.
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? None, yet
Music or no music allowed? Music is allowed, but it's hardly on because I'm always on the phone.
One thing you would change about your job: About every 3rd week, I am on-call on my off hours for an entire week. It would be nice to not carry my pager on me on the weekends off or keep my pager at my nightstand when I go to bed. But, since hospitals are open 24 hours a day, I guess I can't get rid of being on call.
What time do you usually arrive to work?8
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they? 6
Hour lunch or Half an Hour? 45 minutes
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for? 2
Favorite going out lunch? I only have time on Fridays. I love Mexicali!
I wish I had a ______ by my office. What office? I have a desk in my classroom, I just wish I had more space to spread out!
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? She's amazing, 100!
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? All of it, if I didn't my class would fall apart.
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? None, it's blocked at work.
Music or no music allowed? I get to sing and dance all day if I'm creative enough...
One thing you would change about your job ____________Flaky parents that don't give a rats _ass about their childs well being. I had a student last week come to school with an awful smell....Mom admitted she hadn't bathed him in at least two weeks...and he wore the same clothes every day (unwashed). Can you imagine that smell? Let's just say some paperwork was filed on that one. Heartbreaking!
What time do you usually arrive to work?
On a scale of 1-10 how strict are they?
Hour lunch or Half an Hour?
How many "Snitches" do you have to watch for?
Favorite going out lunch?
I wish I had a nothing really I am centrally located in Downtown LA by my office.
Rate you boss on scale of 1-10? 10 she is so good to us.
When the boss leaves what percentage of work do you get done? Not sure
About how many times have you been caught Nesting/internet? None
Music or no music allowed? Music
One thing you would change about your job New paperless system. It is more work than we had before.