SPECIFICS: I am addressing the old Nesties who are back here from Pro Boards bombing this board with their rudeness and immaturity under the guise of wanting a balanced conversation. They are all liberal. I AM NOT addressing any other liberal who has made comments here. Also, I have no problem with any Newbies on TN who are liberal and have been participating in the discussions.
Let's have a review:
1. In May, the very-left wing Nesties on P&CE (and it was mostly leftward leaning Nesties here anyway), along with non-P&CE posters across The Nest community, got fed up with The Nest Gods for a variety of reasons and jumped ship for nicer, I think the term used was, "more professional" waters on ProBoards.
2. The mass exodus (from all Boards on TN) occurred with a few stragglers lagging behind, but there were, what I call poaching attempts to really stick it to The Nest by encouraging Nesties who stayed put to come over to ProBoards.
3. At this time, P&CE died. It had no pulse whatsoever. It was a joke. A few people, like myself posted a few random current events and articles.
4. In the past two weeks, probably due to the fervor of the campaigns, this board as amped up. The conservatives have been chatting a lot. And, there have been some liberal voices chiming in too. Conversations may have been slow, but it was decent and above board. I do not recall any mud slinging or cursing or other derogatory remarks or curse words. I read every single post here, and to my knowledge, there was never any incident of personal attack or insult to another human being.
5. Here's what I see now. Conservatives who have made some valid points regarding some topics, are either: A. Ignored. or B. Laughed at and made fun of.
Yet, you ladies from the Parenting Board over at Proboards claim to want discussion. Okay. Where is it? Every time a conservative poster has a valid point, you turn your shoulders and laugh. Or, you blink your eyes and ask if someone said something. Or you continue in your ex-Nestie, ProBoard Parenting Groupie Group Think.
Do you know why your boards that you go to end up being so full of incestous laughter? Because we all think you are immature. And we get fed up and we leave. Who has time to waste for a bunch of cackling hens or hyennas depending on the day?
Really? Are you in 5th grade? Let's plot to go back to TN and "take over" P&CE? What a m-fvckin' joke. You are the "parents" who are thinking you're so cool because you got it all figured out and then some. But your characters ARE $hit and I shudder at the thought of your children being near mine. Wait. You're teaching your children to love the world. Heal the world. Make it a better place. But you lie. And, it will be my prayer tonight that all your children become Christian, right-wing, gun toting conservatives who drink deeply of the red Kool-aid and sing songs of liberty, patriotism, and pride in the USA.
I posted a few posts ago about why any of these discussions matter and whether or not anybody ever would switch viewpoints based on what they've read.
No way in hell would I switch to becoming a liberal...is this what being a liberal means? You haven't brought anything to this board but a bunch of puffed up attitudes based on, I have no idea what, except a contrived attempt to hijack. All I've seen recently is an attempt to derail some honest thought, some people seaking answers, and some other people defending their positions (politely). Is this what you stand for? How myopic and infantile.
I got news for you biotches - the days are coming where you're going to be wishing you had been more thoughtful toward your conservative neighbor who has clung to her "guns and religion." Mark my words. You have no idea what's coming down the pike economically...no idea...'cause you got your pretty little, prissy liberal heads too far up your entitled bung holes.
...sitting there still? Yeah. Good. You have pissed me off. Now, take this and put it on PB.
Re: Hey x-Nesties hijacking from ProBoards - This is for you!!!
Well, we're not from Proboards.
So there's that.
FTR, I haven't been a nestie since 2006. I've been lurking on PCE since 2009 and I remember when this place was hopping and had some great political discussions. I learned a lot from both sides of the argument.
Looking back on the most recent posts, I see very little from the liberal side and what I do see has been roundly ignored, the way you seem to be saying the liberal side is doing.
I also really enjoyed your little threat at the end. That really helps your cause that you guys are the mature ones.
Well played, lady.
Well played.
This. Also, posting a Youtube video with an unfounded claim like 'people don't misspeak about closely-held beliefs' is not thoughtful, intelligent discussion. It's... well, a Youtube video with an unfounded claim attached to it.
Ditto randomly copied & pasted facts off of a Romney PAC, or wherever that came from, since it wasn't cited.
I'm a liberal. I own guns.
Did I blow your mind?
SPECIFICS: I am addressing the old Nesties who are back here from Pro Boards bombing this board with their rudeness and immaturity under the guise of wanting a balanced conversation. They are all liberal. I AM NOT addressing any other liberal who has made comments here. Also, I have no problem with any Newbies on TN who are liberal and have been participating in the discussions.
If you're not an x-Nestie back here hijacking from Proboards, them I am not addressing you in this rant.
It's in bold font, so you know it's serious, y'all.
lol @ "incestuous laughter."
Holyshit, take a Xanax.
lol, seriously?
I can hear "Dueling Banjos" playing faintly, for some odd reason.
Mommy, you really need to loosen up your tin foil. I think you have it wrapped a little too tight!
Now is probably not the time to mention that DS has no toy guns, but loves his baby dolls of different races... right?
My jaw dropped when I read that.
OP, are you psychic? What else is "coming down the pike?" can you tell me the winning lottery numbers? Who's gonna win the super bowl?
Also, my neighbors aren't conservative. I know, it's weird because I live in Texas. 4 liberals all next to each other! Crazy huh?
As far as the "ex-Nesties" continually making claims without basis in fact and coming here just to stir shiit up, consider that the Parenting board didn't start posting here until yesterday or the day before.
Exhibit A of shiit-stirring happening, from the OP's own typing skillz, on 8/23. Well before September 2-3rd.
Seriously. I'm only here cuz Fez said to...
lol @ scorch
Like I care
Lol. Cats shows off more of her brilliance in that thread. "I AGREE!!" "I LOVE THIS POST!!1!!1"
Also, OP.
You could've saved yourself allllll that typing by simply posting the following:
No no, that wasn't at you, sorry, that was at Mommy Liberty.
Ok, I thought the comment was strange. Posts were flying so fast I lost track.
Another acceptable form: writing the word "SCREEEEEEEEEECH!11!!"
Because that is how the OP read.