One of my best friends recently announced that she and her longtime boyfriend are engaged! Woo hoo! She sent me and my DD very sweet cards asking me to be a bridesmaid and dd to be the flowergirl. I didn;t think we could be more excited until she told me they are getting married in Maui!! Haven't been there since DH and I got engaged - can't wait.
So - where can I find the best deal on ticketts. I know we will be going in peak season (August) but I also want to try and get the best price I can on the upgrade to business class.
Also - dd will be 18 months - worth it to buy her a seat?? My though is that she is going to be walking around - she is not going to want to sit in a seat...
Any advise would be appreciated!!
Re: Cheap airline ticketts to Hawaii...
We just went to Maui with Gavin in September, he was 18-months. We did not get him an extra seat. We lucked out on the way over and managed to get the only extra seat on the plane, it was the row that butts up against the toilets, but was better than having him on our lap the whole way.
On the way back, we were not as fortunate AND we were on a red-eye. So, this sucked the big one because we had Gavin strung across our laps the entire flight, he was passed out but there was NO WAY we could sleep because we were so uncomfortable with him on our laps. Hence, we arrived in LA at 7:00 am with no sleep and Gavin had slept all night. We were a wreck that next day.
As for cheap tickets, I dunno...we paid $900 a piece...but maybe next year with the gas prices being down it will be better.
Good luck.
It will tell you who has the best prices and whether or not they think they are going to go up or not.
I don't know where to find the best tickets but if you run searches on Expedia they can at least compare different airlines for you.
I would definitely recommend getting DD her own seat. We took DD on a trip when she was 15 mos. and really wished we had. Have fun!
1) www
2) no seat for dd.
They compare major airlines.?
We always book a package deal through Hawaiian airlines and it works out to be cheapest for us.
We just got back from Maui yesterday and DD had her own seat. I highly recommend getting one. We brought her car seat on the plane and she sat in that. She was comfortable that way and it worked out great.