I haven't been on here in ages! In April we moved into an 1890 Queen Anne Victorian. It has the original coal burning furnace which was converted to oil burning. We are in the process of switching over to natural gas and while we are doing that we are going to run a gas line to the fireplace and the stove.
DH and I went shopping this weekend and we have narrowed our choices down to either an Electrolux dual fuel slide in range or the JennAir Pro dual fuel slide in range.
The Electrolux has more of a computerized touch screen and the lower section is also an oven vs the Jenn Air which the lower section is just a warming drawer.
Does anyone have either of these or have an opinion on either brand? Or any other helpful input? At this point I think I'll leave the decision up to DH, he's much more particular when it comes to cooking than me. I think he is leaning more toward the Electrolux. I'm just happy to have a slide in unit vs freestanding!