Hi. I am still around. Life/kid priorities took presidence.
Oh, and my newly purchased reclaimed shipping container arrived and I was helping DH dig a hole in our back yard to place it in so we can work on building our bunker. Right now we are working on developing a way to seal the interior from moisture.
That has taken me away from most things these days.
Actually, I AM joking. To quote someone else that I am "scary survivalist." While this isn't the case, I do advocate some form of prepping for natural disasters, etc. It isn't weird; it's smart. Even our own government advocates this. Also, it is about being self-reliant.
While I cannot prevent the waves on an ocean from occurring in a storm, the one thing I can control is the size of my boat, who is on it, and what it is stocked with.
Years ago, I got stuck in my car during that huge blizzard that hit Denver. I didn't have much of anything to "live off of" in there. When you have been in that situation before, you don't much like the prospect of getting caught again with your proverbial pants down....plus I have two kids now and I want to care for them. More thoughts...
"You have insurance on your car, home/apartment, jewelry, other valuables, health, life and maybe your cell phone. Parents you carry back-up clothing and diapers for your kids. You have back-up feminine products in your purses. We all have spare keys to our homes and maybe our cars. Why wouldn?t you provide this basic form of insurance or back-up to yourself and family to prevent heartache and give peace of mind?"
where have you been?!
Being a hor, all watching her kids instead of talking to me and stuffz. The hor.
dam hor....guess i'm a bad mom