My cat's, Kady, health has been slowly declining due to Kidney disease (diagnosed 2yrs ago). She has been throwing up daily for the past two weeks and throwing up at least once a week for the past year. My best friend noticed on Sunday night that Kady smelled like urine. I went to clean her bedding yesterday and noticed that one of her beds is soaked with urine. (She has 3 beds and we just cleaned the two cat boxes on Saturday) Kady has been sleeping in her piss filled bed for the past few (?) days. When is enough enough? She is 13 years old and has lived a great life. I don't want her to suffer and I'm not about to put her on all sorts of drugs for her kidneys. I feel selfish keeping her in this world, I don't want to put her down. I feel like a terrible mom
What would you do?
Re: My cat is slowly dying :(
I'm so sorry you are going through this
If I were you, I would put her down. Stay in the room with her, too. It will be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do, but she will love you for it. You are her best friend.
Good luck and lots of hugs your way.
My first cat, Charlotte, was a gift for my birthday when I turned 4. Such a cute little orange and white kitten. She suffered from kidney failure, and my mom couldn't put her down because she was "her little girl's kitty". My mom and I together did dialysis for Charlotte twice a day for a year once medication stopped working. We had an IV hooked up in the corner of the kitchen and a cat "bag" that zipped around her so that just her head was showing. We loved her SO much, and I wonder if we let our attachment to her prolong her suffering unnecessarily. I know that my mom did it for me principally, and she just has such a kind heart. She found it so difficult to let her go.
If you do put your kitty down, it will be an action taken out of great love, not convenience. It is obvious how dearly you love your cat. My heart breaks for you and every pet owner who must make this decision. Talk to the vet and really describe kitty's days. See if he/she thinks that the animal's quality of life is such that she should be put down.
It's never an easy decision. I think the most important factor is her quality of life.
Lots of good thoughts to you!
5 cats. 1 baby.
I have been there with a cat in renal failure and it is a really hard, horrible decision to make. For me, we chose to have Sophia put to sleep when she seemed uncomfortable the majority of the time and didn't enjoy any of her regular activities. She wouldn't eat, couldn't get into the litterbox to use it, and was uncomfortable being touched. Objectively it sounds like you all may have reached a point where she will continue to decline and probably continue to feel worse and worse each day. Its a judgment call, and a hard one, as to when their days consist of more bad than good.
What helped me was when a friend looked me in the eye and told me that she was ready to go, she was just waiting for me to be ready to let her go. He was right and I chose to have her put to sleep the next day. Part of being a good Mom is caring for them for 13 years, the hardest part of being a good Mom is being selfless enough to spare them suffering and let them go with dignity. You can and willmake the best decision for your baby; the regrets and what ifs do fade over time but your memory of her won't.
OP, I'm very sorry for this difficult decision you are faced with; you are definitely not alone, and unfortunately, many of us have been faced with this decision. I hope you find peace with your decision.
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation, don't feel like a terrible mom, you definitely sound like you're taking care of her and care about her best interest.
I would say that once she doesn't seem like herself anymore, or her quality of life is going downhill, then it would be time to put her down. Trust your judgement, I'm sure you know her well enough to know when it's time.
I completely agree!
I am so sorry you have to go through with this and my thoughts are with you!
10/12-Married my best friend
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Last year right around this time, I had to put to sleep my cat GraceAnne. She had a tumor in her bladder that couldn't be treated. She was on a ton of pain medications. The vet said she likely only had 3 weeks left. Everyday was terrible. Everytime I left the house I'd get anxious to be home to see if she was alive still. I guess I knew it was time, when I went to give her the pain pills. She hated it so much, and just gave me this look, to please stop jamming pills down her throat. She was constantely urinating on everything as well, because of the tumor.
That evening I took her to vet and she was put to sleep. I felt AWFUL. But in my heart I knew that it was more important for her to be out of pain, then for me to keep her around to keep myself happy. I think you will know "when its time." I guess that my only advice.