Hey there! So I read a bunch of posts before posting this, but I feel like this is a safe community. Thanks for that, ladies.
So I'm a newly wed, and new to sex! It's been good! It'll probably get better, but I can't complain! However, I became aware of something a few weeks ago that has me slightly worried. My husband and I had sex a few weeks ago, we hadn't had sex in couple days because I had been out of town. Everything was fine during foreplay, but then as soon as he went in all the way--OUCH! It felt like he was jabbing something! We weren't even doing anything crazy, just some pretty average sex for us. So I know we weren't doing anything out of the ordinary, but the pain definitely was out of the ordinary. At first I thought it was because we hadn't gone for a couple days(even though it's never happened before). We had to stop because it was so painful. I'm not much of a masturbator, but I've checked out the goods. I went to the bathroom to attempt to check myself out and see if something was noticeably wrong. When I put my fingers in there seemed to be large knobs on the walls. When I say large I mean like quarter sized. I wasn't sure if it was normal so I looked at diagrams online. NONE of the diagrams I looked at seemed to match how my wall felt. I asked a friend who's a OB-GYN and she said all vaginas are different and I probably had nothing to worry about. When I asked her about the pain during sex (which has only happened once) she said he probably just hit my cervix or ovaries or something like that. Not that I don't trust her, but I'm still worried.
Suggestions? Similar situations? Help, please!
Re: Am I Normal Or Should I See A Doctor?
I too am new to sex. I have been doing it for about 8 months and it just usually means that you aren't lubricated enough. FOREPLAY is your best friend! If you can still insert a tampon without pain, then I am sure it isn't anything to worry about.
Good luck and have fun!
It's possible for sex to be painful if you hit the cervix. (If your friend the OB is telling you you can hit your ovaries during sex, her license should be revoked.) Or for it to be uncomfortable when you've gone a few days or weeks without.
But what you describe feeling when you checked things out sounds odd. I'd call the OB and go in for a check up just in case there's a problem.
I would go get a check up just in case, because those knobs would definitely make me antsy.
Anyway, the pain might have been him hitting your cervix, yes. Did you try changing positions maybe? Some positions allow for deeper penetration than others, so experimenting with different positions might help you find one that doesn't hurt. Still though, I'd go get a checkup to make sure everything is ok down there if you found knobby lumps that have never been there before!