He is finally having surgery tomorrow for his undescended testicle. ?Please include him in your nestie prayers.
He had his testing done, they haven't labeled him with any specific disorder, just that he is severely delayed. ?They evaluate him in terms of age of how he is communicating, walking, and eating. ?Some of the scores put him as low as 8 mos old. ?He is now 2 years old. ?He is supposed to go to speech therapy 2x week, and they want him in a preschool 3x week, and I am not sure of what else. ?My SIL is stressing on how is she supposed to work if she has to take nephew to all these places. ?I feel so awful for him, but from the time I spent with him one on one, he can change and adapt, I think he just knows how to get my SIL/MIL to do everything for him. ?So I definitely see hope for him.?
Re: f/u on my nephew
Thoughts and prayers to your nephew!!!