DH and I just purchased a house that we'll hopefully close on in a couple of weeks and I have been really excited to start a vegetable garden. The extent of my gardening experience thus far has been a small vegetable garden that was ruined by my dogs before it produced much a couple of years ago and helping my mom plant seeds as a kid.I expected to do some research and set up a garden this spring. I was excited to see that the house that we're buying already has a garden set up but it also has a greenhouse. I know very little about gardening in general let alone greenhouse gardening.
So my questions are:
1. Is greenhouse gardening complicated or more time consuming than regular gardening? (I don't know why it would be but it just seems like not something the average gardener uses).
2. What are good resources for planting in a greenhouse?
3. I will be moving just outside of Phoenix so it is generally a hot climate. How does that come into play when determining what to plant and when?
4. Any general advice...
Re: Greenhouse???
I generally use my greenhouse to start seeds earlier than they can be planted in the ground. Tomatoes and peppers get started about a month earlier than I can plant outside and squash, cukes, zucchini get started about 2 weeks earlier.
I do use my greenhouse to overwinter some less hardy plants that I have in pots but I dont heat it except for the few weeks I am doing my summer veges so all my indoor plants get brought in my house for the winter.
I would see if you can find a greenhouse operation near you and go talk to the people there. Plant people tend to be very nice and a wealth of knowledge.