It just seems like too many things going on that I am so looking forward to the end of this week in the hopes that next week is better. Since FIL went out of town the mornings with the 2 kids are just ridiculously crazy. He usually helps me by taking Rj to daycare and I take Celeste to her daycare. With me working at night then the kids waking up at 5am I barely get any sleep. To top it all off I got a call from Celeste's daycare this morning that she was running a fever of 102!. I just left like an hour before and she was not even warm. In any case I went there ASAP got her out and got an appointment with her suspicion was correct-ear infection but not fully blown yet. Per Pedi -its not quite an infection but it can progress to it-whatever. Then when I was waiting to get the med from pharmacy they make an announcement that the computers were down and they didn't know when it will be resolved so if we were waiting for prescriptions it might take a while. It was already 2pm and I needed to be at work by 3. Thank good ness DH came home early so I can go to work. I've been taking so much time off from the kids being sick that I used up all my sick time-hate it hate it.
In any case I got to work in a foul mood-all I kept thinking about was Celeste. Good thing census was low so I got to go home by 8. Celeste was running a fever again & gave her Motrin. Tomorrow after Rj gets dropped off I am going to get my hands on antibiotics for Miss Celeste. I just feel like I am at the end of my rope and all I want is to be able to sleep. I am so worried that I can't sleep. Its a vicious cycle.
Re: Is the week over yet? (vent)
Thank you Mia. I knew you would understand. Right now is just about my only quiet time out of the whole nako.
I hate when the kids are sick and you have to worry about work. Terrible.
Hope you have a fab friday though!
You poor thing!! TGIF right???!!!! I hope Celeste feels better ASAP, and that you're able to get some rest this weekend.
Here is to a good weekend and next week!
I know how you feel- overwhelmed- When I feel like this I have to get some alone time so that I don't take my frustrations out on others. I hope you feel better and just get some alone time if at all possible. Hope everything gets better soon