Hi ladies,
I'm looking for some advice. Shortly before my husband and I got married (which is almost 8 months now) I started birth control. I started with the shot but had a few problems with it, so I switched to the TriNessa pill. My husband and I want to start looking into using Natural Family planning....but we're still sorta scared.
I'm in school right now in a 9 month program to become a dental assistant. I graduate, if all goes well, in June 2013. We've talked a lot about having a baby and we finally decided that we'd like to at least start to try around chirstmas of next year....but it's not set in stone either. Our biggest fear I guess at this point is me getting pregnant too early? if that makes sense.
The reason we wanted to wait til christmas of next year was because I'm hoping to get hired on through my internship, which is highly likely with the school I'm in, and start my full time career. We haven't decided if we want to put our baby in daycare either - mainly because I've worked for a few and I know what could happen behind closed doors. That's not to say every daycare is bad tho...but it's also expensive. And we don't have anyone in our immediate family that could watch our baby for us during the day. So we have to decide if I'll stay home until the baby is a certain age or if we'll do daycare....lots of things to consider.
My parents used NFP when I was 19. We had just joined the Catholic church and they wanted to try to set an example for us....and my mom became pregnant with my baby sister who is now 2 years old. She's a blessing but it was so easy for my mom to get pregnant....and that's why I'm scared it might happen before I finish school. Does that make sense?
I haven't met anyone else that's used NFP either. We recently joined a new church after we got married and we're still in the process of getting to know people and get involved. Can any one of you ladies tell me about it? We sat in one session of the Creighton method once but it went so fast and the lady who did the class wasn't very helpful. I guess I'm just trying to figure out if I should just....go for it with my hubby?
The other thing I'm struggling with the pill that has made me start to change my mind is the fact that the pill has changed my eating habits and I'm gaining weight. I'm not overweight by any means but....I still don't like it. I'm sure there is one of you out there that can relate to that, right? If I stay on the pill, can anyone give me advice on how to loose the weight? If diet pills are safe while on the pill itself? Anything really?
I'm sorry this is so lengthy but I'm struggling with decisions that I can't seem to find answers anywhere else. Please, anything that you can tell me would be very much appreciated....but I dont' need nasty comments either, which I've had by some. I came here because I appreciate the help you ladies can give! Thanks!
Re: Birth Control Advice (kinda long)
There are a few women on here who say they use NFP and have never had an issue. But I've known a bunch of couples who've used it IRL and every single one of them had a surprise baby.
If you're on the pill, I assume you're not opposed to using birth control. You really seem to be having issues with the hormonal aspect of it. In that case, I'd suggest a non-hormone IUD (although may not be worth the expense if you'd remove it in a year)condoms, or a combination of condoms with a spermicide or low-dose birth control pill. (It could also be that your problems are just a matter of the particular pill you're on. I had to try 5 or 6 before I found one that worked for me without side effects.) I would not suggest taking diet pills. You can lose weight on the pill the same way as you would off of it, diet and exercise.
If you want to look into NFP to avoid pregnancy, pick up a copy of "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".
If weight gain is an issue on hormonal birth control, look into a diaphragm or cervical cap. This could work as part of your NFP.
I would also look to postpone TTC for longer. If you get a job, you need to look at your employer's insurance and time requirements for maternity leave. You will really want to look at all of the angles before you make the leap.
This book was recommended to me on another discussion forum, and I new a few of the ladies were using the methods in it to avoid. I just started reading it, even though I won't go off BC for another few months (like you, I want to find another job). If nothing else, it is super informative, and will help you learn how long your cycle is, and really figure out when you're ovulating. The version I got off Amazon has a CD so you can easily track ovulation on your computer.
I have used NFP for 2 + years to successfully avoid. While we would love children later, we do not have the $ or time to devote to them right now and have discerned that it wouldn't be responsible to have kids now. Using NFP to avoid is very effective...if you do it right! Most people that do it and have the "oops" babies are the ones that don't follow it exactly. It's just like birth control...if you miss a pill, you could get pregnant. Well, if you don't track your fertility symptoms closely, you could end up with a baby!
We do the symptothermal method, which is kind of a combination of temping and creighton. I like it because I feel more comfortable having all that info. If I were you, I'd sign up for a class offered by your local diocese. Ours was 5 classes, and only one focused on the religious aspect of NFP (so it was very open to people of all religions, in case that matters for you).
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