It's finally happened.
Mrs.I'm-better-you-and-you-and-you-oh-and-my-husband-is-the-number-one-husband-ever, wants to be "friends".
We're in the same yoga class. She was all excited that I was there. Because her husband works with my husband. They went to fire academy together. I've only really seen her a handful of times at the station and events, always made small talk. She seemed friendly enough, and I'm a little shy in new social situations, so I thought she was a God sent in yoga pants.
Then it started. She could do all those yoga positions that the advanced class does. The bank approved them for more money. I won a contest, but she's won SEVERAL. Oh and apparently her husband gets hurt worse than mine does, and he's also really stinkin awesome too, as in always puts trash liners in when he takes out the trash, does things without being asked, never passes gas in front of her, and is just all around the best husband ever.
I'm starting to lose my patience with this chick. I'm surprised she doesn't noticed the glares I give her when she goes on and on about how much better her husband is than mine, or how much better she is than me. I get it lady you're the bomb diggity.
Has anyone ever experienced a woman like this? How have you dealt with it?
Re: The "I'm Better than you, and my husband is too" buddy
Buy her an award and keep it in your purse. Next time this douch-nozel comes at you with her fake contest crap about her husband is better/hurt worse/died better stuff, just pull out that ribbon/trophy and hand it to her saying, "I didn't realize life was a contest among average people but apparently the judges say you're better than I am."
Then walk away. Make sure to put her name on it as well. It will confuse her and make her realize she's been annoying since day one.
That seems... excessive.
There are always people who think they're better than you. Truth be told, her constant comparing is probably a lack of confidence on her part. No one's perfect. If she convinces you that she is though, then maybe she'll convince herself as well.
Try to see what her insecurities are--not to use them against her, but to remind you that she's human, too. Maybe she just needs a friend.
If that doesn't work, then limit your time with her. She'll eventually get the hint.
blah, I can't stand people like that. I think ROFL has a pretty awesome approach. And SKY has some good ideas too. Im sure there's many ways to handle this lady, I wish I had some better advice to give, but I dont know what I would do :-/ all depends on how I felt I suppose.
ROFL - ok, that made me laugh. And it sounds very tempting. I had to stop myself from saying "do you want some kind of reward or something?", so it is kind of perfect.
Sky - You have a good point there. I didn't really think of that, maybe because she just seems SO confident and peppy. However, she is fully aware of all her one-upping, even the ridiculous things. I'm glad I only really see her in yoga but thankfully I've made a few other friends so I'll just insert myself in between them from now on, just to get that space. Hopefully she'll get the hint.
Melody - That is true, there are many ways to handle the situation. I think I'll try the avoiding her method for now, haha.
I generally just feel sorry for people like that. I've never met one who didn't end up having a lot of problems they were covering up.
I always ignored it and smiled until I couldn't take it anymore and then just distanced myself.
And thank you for using "bomb diggity". That made my day.
I know someone like that and I cannot stand it! I have distanced myself from her little by little. Her own sister avoids talking to her. Some people just need to make things up to make them feel better, I guess?
See the thing is she's completely aware of what she's doing and she's not exactly lying because most of what she's saying I know is true but she OVER exaggerates. Like for example if she's talking about a small cut that needed a bandaid she goes on and on about it like it needed stitches.
She could be just trying to find things in common but she's also kind of pompous about it. Which she may not be aware of but from the moment you meet her she makes sure you know that she thinks she's better.
I've known a ton of people like this. One used to brag about her husband and their wonderful, perfect relationship. Funny thing was, things at home were rocky.
One girl kept on, like your girl there, and when it got to be too much, I just acted vague, and said" That's nice" and "uh-huh". She caught on pretty fast.