I've noticed a few posts about getting some healthy hair tips. Since my hair is a little different though, this shouldn't be too repetitious.
For years I used to blowdry and straighten ever day, along with dyeing my hair a lot. My hair has gotten thin, so for almost a year now I've had my hair close to its natural color, and for 6 months I've let it air dry and be natural. Very rarely do I use any heat. Its gotten a little healthier, but it's still a constant battle keeping my hair from falling out. Its also still a little dry, but as im trying to let it grow out I only want to trim it little by little. Also, it gets dirty fast so I feel like I have to wash it once a day. Any advice on how to keep my hair from falling out, be softer and stronger, and maybe grow a little faster?
Re: Hair help
Have you tried taking biotin? It helps with your skin, nails, and hair. My stylist recommended that I take it before my wedding (I needed a little bit more hair for the style we were going for), and I ended up easily growing 3 or 4 inches of hair between December and May. Not to mention my nails also got stronger and my skin was the best it has ever been- Not bad side effects ;p
Do you wear your hair up a lot? I know the pressure from pulling your hair back tends to make hair loss worse- I'm a big offender with that in the summer.
I was just going to post something similar. My hair is the worst it's ever been, it's not thin but it's very dry
I try to not put any heat to it unless it really needs it.
Anyway I saw the Wen hair products and was wondering if anyone has used it. But I bumped into this post, do you mean biotin the pills? Its cause I googled it and found out that some shampoos also have biotin,Im just wondering if that also helps with dry hair?
Well, it does seem expensive that's why I was looking on eBay, I thought maybe I could get it cheaper. I was wrong... I'm gonna order it next week, I hope
I'll let you know how I feel with it.
Thank you girl
awesome, I will def try these things! Thanks