I had the craziest dream last night:
I was back at my junior high school, but it was more like now times (in my dream I mentioned I was married and was showing off my ring). I ran into a few old friends and were chatting, all of sudden three buses pass by. Not thinking anything about it one of the bus tries to come to a stop, due to a dip in the road. It's stop makes the bus behind it stop and the second bus hits the dip really hard. The thrid bus rams the second bus which makes the back of the second bus flip over, the rear of the bus flipped over the front of the bus. We all ran over there and I could remember people screaming and I kept saying how many are in the bus. It turns out there was eight, we were able to pry open the doors. At this time I start yelling check the buses for leaks as I pull a girl out and hand her to the next person. Someone from the front of the bus yells "no leaks", as the rest of us continue to vacate the people in the bus. We get all of the passengers out and the driver and then I wake up!
Do you think dreams mean something?
They have those dreamology books has anyone read into those?
What is the scariest or weirdest dream you have every had?
Dejavu anyone?
Re: Let's talk Dreams
Wow! Crazy dream! I'm a big believer in dreams, but at the same time I don't think every dream has a meaning. Have you been feeling anxious or feeling like you don't have control over things? That could possibly explain the dream you just had, but I'm no expert!
I've also had experience with DejaVu on sooooo many occasions, where I actually have to stop what I'm doing to take it all in. It's the weirdest feeling, it's almost like I'm watching it happen instead of experiencing it.
Can't remember my scariest or weirdest dreams, but I have extremely vivid dreams where I wake up, and have to convince myself that is was just a dream.
Out of curiousity .... have you heard of Sylvia Brown? She has a great book on dreams & dejavu. If you're interested, I'll try and find it and give you the name of the book.
I just find it extremely weird, because majority of dreams I'm in panic or being chased. When I woke up this morning I woke up to my husband running around the house, because he could not find our dog. I think the happiest one was when I found a 1000. My dreams always take place in the now versus the future or the past. I try not to beleive in things like that, but I always get the weird side of things.
I know I may sound freaky or something, but I'm truly normal..lol
I have also had two ghost encounters, both relatives I have never even met. My abuelita is the one who had to tell me who they were.
IMO, I think they do...what they mean I have no idea :P
I had a weird on last night about getting shot which is my new reoccuring dream! It used to be about tidal waves.