I know this is the 3rd dog peeing question, and I actually am going to take her to the vet to check for UTI.
Our Weimaraner is about 13. We have had her for about a year now, and she has semi recently started peeing in her sleep, on the couch, and her bed at night. She also can't hold it during the day anymore. We used pee pads for the daytime, but it is now so much urine that I have to use 2 x-large peepads and it still gets one the floor.
I am well aware that this is most likely just age related, but does anyone have any tips besides letter her out more often and diapers? My vet mentioned an estrogen shot? I have not idea how that helps, but he said that is an option. I feel like a diaper is unnatural for a dog and that would make her more uncomfortable.
I am content knowing she is just old and we will have to clean up after her more now. My DH on the other hand is not handling it well. He yelled at her last night after he found a pee spot. Of course he seems to be the one who always finds the random spots and normally is home before me so cleans up the daily pee. Plus his workout room is in the basement where they stay and it has gotten into some of the framing and so his room smells like pee.
Long sorry, I just know y'all are full of tips (& questions)
Re: Older Dog Incontinence
Ask your vet if he/she thinks your dog will benefit from Proin. Apparently "old lady bladder" is common amongst older spayed female dogs.
It made the world of difference in our Boston. And it isn't expensive. We opted for the liquid drops v the pill for ease.