I need help...this has gone on far too long! I've had my dog for almost 2 years, since he was 5 months old. Ever since we got him, he's had a habit of eating his own poop...disgusting, I know!!! But sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't...hahah, I don't know why. But we have tried everything! We tried sprinkling meat tenderizer on his food...I guess that is supposed to help him stop from "snacking," we've tried many kinds of those pills, picking up his poop immediately...which is hard to do all the time, and even putting Tobasco on his poop! Haha..I don't know what to do anymore, anyone got any suggestions??
Re: My dog eats his own poop!! HELP!
I don't have any experience with this personally, but I have a friend who has a dog that does this. I just did a google search and found this:
along with many more. There are supplements you can add to the food to make the poop taste bad (like it doesn't already?) But I don't like the idea of adding more stuff to dog food while there's got to be an underlying thing going on.
It could me a number of factors: what kind of food do you feed? eating poop could be caused my some sort of nutrient missing in the dog's diet. You say you clean up your yard frequently, which, yes I agree it's difficult to pick up each and every time there is a poop, but dogs tend to try and "tidy up" their area so predators won't catch onto where they are. It could also be stress/anxiety related; is your dog getting enough stimulation outside of going out to the yard for bathroom breaks? (ie: walks, toys, learning tricks, etc.)
anyways, my advice would be do a search on it and see what others have said. The site I provided seemed to have some good advice, but there are tons more out there.
Seriously!!! So much cheaper than supplements! and I have done it before...
Coprophagia (eating feces) happens mainly because they are missing nutrients in their food... (typically store brand foods/not high quality foods) The healthier the food, the more they will digest, the more they digest, the fuller they get faster (eating less food) in turn will help reduce waste in the back yard...
I would start with making sure you are on a good food...
Then, you can feed pineapple chucks like as a treat... when pineapple digests, and the dog produces a stool, the acidity of the pineapple will then make the stool have a not so appealing scent, and discourage the dog from eating it...
Now... if you have multiple dogs... feed it to the one whos pop is being eaten...
But... if you want to use an actual supplement, there is a product called For-Bid. Its a powder that you put onto their food. But it can get pretty pricey...
GL in whatever you chose!
I definatelty agree with it being the food thats making your pup do this. My mason was doing the same thing when i got him. he was 8wks old and we were feeding him whatever the former owner was giving him, after trying a small amount of hot sauce and that didnt work we just tried different food.
Oh the hot sauce did work when he stared chewing on wood and our door frames lol, and i did read that the pineapple thing works.