2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version (KJV) [emphasis added by me]
"14 IF my people, which are called by my name, shall HUMBLE THEMSELVES, and pray, and SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM their wicked ways; THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." !!!!
This is a call to action Believers!!!! This verse contains an "IF" & "THEN" = IF we as God's children do what our Father has TOLD us to do THEN he will do His part! Let me also bring attention to the multiple "AND"s in this verse. We've been told to do so much more than just pray here. We are to humble ourselves; really search ourselves/lives and dismount our high horses. Also get our faces out of the dirt & stand as we should as children of the KING. We are to seek GOD's heart and learn what HE thinks, feels, desires on the issue. Not just demand what we want or what we think is best. AND we must truly REPENT for our sins & the sins of our generations.
With this coming election & all the mess we are in I've heard then verse swung around like a T-Ball bat and just like the kids playing TBall Christians seem just as confused as to why they are hitting the ball. We have our signs, billboards, tshirts, skits, etc... BUT I ask you all where is the humility & where is the REPENTANCE?
So here I will start-
"FATHER GOD I recognize so many areas in my life that I have knowingly disobeyed what you've told me. Times that I haven't stood as boldly as your daughter as you've created me to do because I placed man's opinion of me higher than Yours. I am sorry. DADDY I see such passivity in myself, Family/generationally too, friends and this nation full of christians. You have made us to stand up for truth, protect & serve each other... yet instead we passively lay down under the lies of the enemy and hurt each other in your name. I am so sorry. I am sorry for all of the times I have allowed false comforters in my life. The Holy Spirit is all the comfort I need. In many ways I am ignorant of your WORD & I have failed to seek your face. So I repent for my ignorance and the ignorance of our Nation; for disobeying You willingly & for when we did so not knowing what we are doing. Please forgive us and begin to draw our hearts towards You! I pray that the people of the USA would begin to be drawn towards you and away from the self seeking desires that keep us far from you! I pray that we would continuously seek You for the courage, integrity & wisdom we need to properly represent You. I Repent for these sins and stand in the gap for my generations and this nation. Thank you DADDY for being the perfect loving father & righteous KING. Thank you for teaching, leading & guiding me to truth. In Jesus name Amen.
I am urged & encouraged with my body of believers at our church to begin publicly without reserve repenting and standing up for our Nation!! Will you join me and post your repentance and prayers concerning you first and then our nation? You have friends that I don't. If we all humble ourselves and post many will do the same. We will have the power of agreement as well as doing the Word. We will be as Nehemiah. Believers we need to unite as one voice. We want to turn from our wicked ways. May He hear us.
Re: Prayer of repentance for the USA
I pray that people will keep their religion, and religious beliefs
to themselves. Amen
i have been thinking about this post all afternoon. While I think it's a very bold move to post a whole prayer about the US returning to God, I'm very doubtful that it will happen. I've prayed for it over and over again, but we're to far gone. Christianity survived the Greeks and the Romans and the rest of New Testament history, it will survive America.
And I love this movie.
At this point I'm more concerned about America surviving Christianity than the other way around.
Even the pastor this morning acknowledged that some non-Christians act more Christ-like than actual Christians. I gave him an Amen for that one.