For as long as I can remember since getting my period, I have had what I consider to be a LOT of vaginal discharge (enough to have to wear a pantiliner ever day). My family doctor has tested it on several occasions and has established that I don't have a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, trichomonasis or any other kind of infection. She sent me to a specialist who tried to eliminate the discharge, without much success. I won't get into the details of the treatment but let's just say I felt it really was a bandaid solution to a bigger problem... At my final appointment, he told me that he anticipated that I would "continue to make beautiful progress". I have not. It's been 4 or 5 months now and the problem is back. The discharge doesn't smell, doesn't make me itch, but because there is a fair amount of it, it does irritate my skin and make for sometimes painful sex.
Has anyone else had an issue with excessive discharge and had any success in bettering the condition?? I feel like a freak and it's been greatly affecting my sex life with my DH Help
Re: Vaginal Discharge Anyone??
I have had this happen. However, it was BV and it was easily fixed with some antiobiotic.
I really think you should go back to the Dr. and get some help. If this is affecting your sex life then something seems wrong here.
I had a similiar situation in the past, although I don't think mine was as bad as yours. (Didn't have to wear a panty liner every day, but a lot of days I did). There were certain times of the month that the discharge was worse and after some research and talking with my doctor it was decided the worst times were when I was most fertile, but for some reason I just produced a lot of discharge.
Without any kind of treatment and this having went on maybe a year and a half, it stopped. So there is hope! However, I will say since then I have had other issues including swelling and have often wondered if it was all from the same issue that seemed dismal to doctors.
Good luck and maybe it will serve it's time and end!
I'm so sorry that you're having issues... but am so glad to hear that I'm not alone. I have yet to find a doctor who, after running a few tests, just gives up and says it's probably "my normal". It's annoying as heck. Under advisement of my gyno, I tried baking soda douches and ascorbic acid tablets (to no avail), I've been prescribed creams and antibiotics for BV, yeast and trichomoniasis, switched from a higher dose BC pill to a lower dose (which didn't work and now I'm being switched to a monophasic pill, which is something completely new). I've tried drinking more water, consuming less sugar and starches and eating more veggies, changing my detergent, using feminine washes, nothing seems to work.
Luckily my hubby is super supportive as well but it's definitely affecting things. I'm really hoping this new BC pill is going to make a difference.
Please let me know if you find any answers!!