I was just reading through some of the other posts on this board, and I really relate to this one (http://community.thenest.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/69392158.aspx), but with another condition attached.
I am 22, and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 5 months ago. With some medications, I've been feeling a lot better, but the last few weeks have been really stressful and have been making my muscles extra tense. The last few times my fiancee and I have had sex, it's been extremely difficult for me to climax (much more than usual). When I start to tense up, my muscles get tired really quickly and I have to relax because it's so painful. During our last tryst, I actually had to stop for about 10-15 minutes to let my muscles relax and ease the pain away before I tried to go again.
Has anyone else with fibromyalgia or CFS had similar problems? Any advice?
Re: Fibromyalgia and sex
I know of a few people who help manage their chronic illnesses using acupuncture. They have had great success.
I have endometriosis, which can make sex very painful at times. I'm pretty positive endo is in my rectum and bladder, and also in my hips and back, which causes a tremendous amount of pain, and my doctor is tentative about performing a laparoscopy.
Anyways, I find a lot of times I have to stop and/or switch positions frequently because I get cramps in my hips. This happens when he is on top. When I'm on top it hurts my knees. We recently got a temperpedic, which has greatly decreased that pain (before it was like I could feel EVERY spring in the bed, even though we had a super soft, pillow-top mattress).
I also have TMJ which makes it painful to perform BJ's on H. I have been told to take an anti-inflammatory before hand to help reduce the pain, but most of the time I either forget or get to distracted to think about it. Also, are you on any type of muscle relaxant? If you don't want to be on a pill, there may be a natural cream you can use. Just have H massage it onto you so it becomes part of your routine. Good luck! I totally get where you are coming from.