Mine is extremely picky. It's really hard to cook for him. He doesn't like chicken or fish, not even shrimp! The only "vegetables" he will eat are corn and broccoli. SOMETIMES he will eat green beans or asparagus, but that's it. Literally. He won't eat anything from a box(like hamburger helper type stuff) which is fine, because I know it's not really good for you, but he won't even eat something that resembles something out of a box. For instance: I found a copy-cat recipe of Hamburger Helper's Cheeseburger Macaroni and I want to make it. I was raised on HH, and I do miss it sometimes. Since I found a healthy version, I told DH I was going to make it and he basically threw a fit that it was bad for you and gross. After dealing with his picky-ness for over 2 years, I am seriously reaching the end of my rope. I feel like I am so confined in what I can make. I have tried the whole "eat it or starve" mentality, but I felt so mean doing that. And then I tried to have him cook things he likes every so often, which is nice, but he only cooks two things: burgers and steaks. They taste great, but I don't want to eat like that every single day. AND he hates cooking, so he rarely makes them anyway.
Sorry... I guess this kind of turned into a rant. Do any of you have a picky SO? If so, what do you do to compromise?