We bought a new house this year, which had been vacant for approximately 6 months before we bought it, and during that time the ants found homes under the carpet and EVERYWHERE in the yard. We had it sprayed the other day, but now they are living in the wall between the kitchen and our master bathroom. We didn't know this until last night, when they covered our stove, kitchen sink, and master bath shower. And I mean COVERED them...I've always hated ants. They immediately stress me out. If I see one ant, it seems like my entire day is ruined.
On top of this, being a new homeowner and newlywed has its adjustments and stresses, and because of the stress I have put on a few pounds. This past week I have felt ugly and disgusting. I don't consider myself obese, but definitely heavier than I want to be. The hardest part about this is that it's hard for me to work out because I have serious back problems, including some pretty intense sciatica, so working out can be difficult and very painful.
Rewinding to yesterday morning, I put on a brand new pair of work pants ( I had expected to have a hard time putting them on, since new pants tend to be tight until you wear them in a little), but they went right on. So the whole day yesterday I felt pretty good about myself. Then I came home to those stupid ants...day ruined.
To top it off, DH has not been feeling well lately. His stomach has been hurting, probably due to stress, so he is uninterested in sex right now. The whole day yesterday, all I could think about was getting home so I could throw him down on the bed, and, well, you get the picture. After we cleaned the ants up, I started getting frisky, and he was starting to get into it, but one we got into the bed he quickly faded and said he was sorry but just wasn't in the mood. Being the stressed out, PMSing woman I am right now, I started crying and immediately went back to feeling ugly again. it's horrible, I know, but I couldn't help it. I don't blame him. We both try to respect each other when the libido is not there, but it's also hard to cope with. We are down to 1, maybe 2 times, a week as it is becaue of our busy lives, so when I'm in the mood and then get rejected, I can't help but feel dissatisfied.
Sorry to vent, I just need some words of encouragement. The ants came back full force this morning, and now I feel like I'm going to explode with emotions...
Re: In need of some positive encouragement...
I am so sorry you're having such a horrible time. Keep in mind that this is just a chapter in your life, it's not always going to be like this.
Also, I'm not sure if this will be of any help to you, it seems like your ant problem may be beyond this, but ants don't like chalk, and they won't cross a chalk line.
Thats a great idea. Thanks!
Ugh sorry about the ants that sucks but maybe you getting so stressed and being up and down is tougher for hubby to adjust. When things get tough I think about the reality that it is not that bad, you have a wonderful husband, a house and a wonderful life. You need to step back and recognize that it is not that bad and if you do not react to stress maybe it will help keep the hubby less stressed hence more sex. I hope the ants get cleared out soon!!!