My husband and I are newlyweds. Last year, we were able to divide the holidays up with family perfectly, but now that we sleep together, it's getting a bit complicated since we choose a place to stay at. Our families live in the same city, so it's no problem visiting them. But whenever we go, we're always being bombarded about how we don't spend enough time with certain family members. We try to divide the time we are there evenly, so it's not fair to have to deal with this, or just feel fearful about what we're going to do wrong when we visit again. Nonetheless, we are heading to our hometown this week, and I'm just dreading having to sleep alternating night with his and my parents (Tuesday his, wednesday mine, thursday his, etc). I don't know if we are trying too hard to just please everyone or if newlyweds go through this, too, or if there's a better way to handle this situation.
Any ideas or anyone else going through this?
Re: Oh, Goodness. Here goes nothing...
We've got a different situation--H's parents live 3 hours south of us, and my parents live 5 hours north. I don't know how we're going to manage Christmas holidays, especially with my sister and her husband coming up from the States after Christmas at the same as my BIL, who will obviously be staying with H's parents! And this is also all dependent on H getting time off work. Whatever happens, I plan to spend Christmas day with H, and then I'll probably head north by myself to see my family.
In your situation, it seems ridiculous to me to alternate nights. If you're going for six nights, stay at one house for the first three nights, and then at the next house for the last three or four. Do your families get along? Our families love spending time together, so if our parents all lived in the same place, we'd probably be eating all of our meals together and doing lots of big group activities.
Your situation is more puzzling than mine. I'm very big on family, and my family's very big on family, too, so we'll try anything to see them.
Thank you very much for your response. It actually makes a lot of sense. For some reason in my head I kept thinking we need to divide the days in half and if we stay at my parents' home or his home, then we are obliged to be with them. But you gave me a new idea we can probably work with...