I never give to the Salvation Army b/c I don't like their treatment of homosexuals. Anyway, my job does the angel tree thing. I wasn't going to participate. Then one of my departments adopted a kid and since I shop on BF and can get good deals, everyone gave money to me to shop. Fine. No problem.
So I get this list and their are lots of dolls. I totally expected it bc it's a seven year old girl. You think they would tell me the damn race for the dolls but no. I call them. They have no clue. WTF. I don't want to buy a white girl all black dolls, etc. I think in this day and age that would be common on these cards. When we adopt our domestic violence shelter family, we always get this info. Salvation Army you are the worse.
Flame away.
Re: Vent: Salvation Army Angel Tree
yeah. That's what we decided I would do. It's still crazy to me. It's 2012.
I see they removed their actual stance from their website.
Also, just google homosexuals and Salvation Army. I walk past those kettles. Oh well...
I also walk past the kettles. It's okay.
And, yeah, that's frustrating. I would get a good mixture of different races / hair colors.
really, if you have something against the salvation army, why would you volunteer to buy the gifts?
The anti homosexual comments were made by one rogue media relation nutjob in Australia. They are not representative on the Salvation Army's beliefs.
Statement in Response to Australian Radio Interview
Alexandria, Virginia (June 25, 2012) - The Salvation Army in the United States fully and emphatically rejects the statements made by the media director of The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory regarding the LGBT community. The Salvation Army opposes any discrimination, marginalization or persecution of any person. There is no scriptural support for demeaning or mistreating anyone for any reason including his or her sexual orientation. We stand firmly upon our mission to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
The Salvation Army in Australia has also rejected the opinions stated and provided additional information which you can view here.
We deeply apologize for the hurt that these statements have caused.
I previously sent a email to the admin saying I would not participate. Then in a staff meeting, the VP turns to me and ask me to get the stuff since I will be out on BF. A fuxking moment of weakness. Damn it...I am happy to help this child and their family. It's just fustrating that they can't be more organized considering they have done this forever!!
Black Friday.
Ooooooooooooh. Makes sense.
I had to think about it for a second too. My kids are way past boob feeding, but I was thinking the same thing as you.
The Salvation Army's anti-gay bias dates back to way before that comment was made.
Bil Browning and his boyfriend were homeless. To protect the identity of the boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend), Mr. Browning will not say specifically where, just that it was in ?southern Indiana,? about 20 years ago. But he is very explicit about who refused to give them shelter.
?The Salvation Army refused to help us,? Mr. Browning recalls, ?unless we broke up and then left the ?sinful homosexual lifestyle? behind. We slept on the street, and they didn?t help when we declined to break up at their insistence.?
The Salvation Army?s national office does not employ registered lobbyists, but its leaders have occasionally made news by meeting with government officials. In 2001, The Washington Post obtained a Salvation Army document that said the administration of President George W. Bush had promised to honor a Salvation Army request: that religious charities receiving federal money be exempt from local gay antidiscrimination laws. The day the request became public, the Bush administration said it was being denied.
And in 2004, in response to a City Council ordinance requiring that organizations with city contracts offer benefits to gay employees? partners, the Salvation Army threatened to stop operating in New York City. In 2006, the New York State Court of Appeals ruled that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg did not have to enforce the ordinance, which had been enacted over his veto; the Salvation Army never left New York City.
The Salvation Army was helpful the troops during WW II. My uncle recalled how he and his brother soldiers were freezing and starving in the middle of winter in Germany. The Salvation Army was a God send, bringing them food and extra supplies. He said that the Salvation Army was more helpful than even the Red Cross.
The Salvation Army is and always has been a Christian organization. I would assume they follow the traditional Christian values, including traditional marriage, pro life, charity, etc.
There are plenty of organizations looking for help this Christmas. If you disagree with the Salvation Army's principles, then it might be better to find another organization that suits you. No sense doing a good deed grudgingly.
this is what i was thinking. why in the world would you need to know the race of the child in order to buy the "right" doll for him or her?? mind-boggling.