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Are you hosting a holiday party this year?
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? If not, would you like to?
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year?

BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w -- BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w -- BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011

BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d -- BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
Decorate This
Re: Poll: Holiday Parties
Are you hosting a holiday party this year? No, we already had a housewarming party in July and a Halloween party and my weekends in December are pretty full. We will likely host Christmas day for family though.
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? I don't think so. If not, would you like to? I would like to start doing them next year - maybe an ugly sweater brunch or something.
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year? No. My friends and I used to get together to do Secret Santa but our pool of friends still in the area keeps getting smaller so it's hard to do it with so few people. One year we still did it with my friend overseas but it was lame opening someone's present when they weren't there.~ Kelsey Jean ~
Cooking with Crouton: A Food Blog
Are you hosting a holiday party this year? No
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? If not, would you like to? We never have, but DH has always wanted to do something of the sort. He hasn't brought it up this year, but I think its because he knows we are way too busy.
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year?Last year we started a tradition with our neighbors of having a party in their bar/shed.Are you hosting a holiday party this year? No.
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? If not, would you like to? I never have, but I would like to. Everyone is always so busy in December, I'm not sure when we'd squeeze it in, but I guess I'd just have to plan ahead. DH is usually grumbly about having parties at our house though.
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year? Our friends often have a Hannukah party that we go to. They didn't have it last year though, not sure if they are having it this year.BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w -- BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w -- BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d -- BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
Decorate This
Are you hosting a holiday party this year? If you mean hosting Christmas dinner, then yes, we plan on having family over. But just a party, no.
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? If not, would you like to? No, but I would love too when we move into a bigger house.
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year? Normally we have family over on Christmas day for dinner/ present opening. Each year we have our close friends over for dinner and gift exchange, but that's about it.Have you ever hosted a holiday party? I hosted a holiday ornament exchange for friends a few years ago, but that's the extent of it. If not, would you like to? I'd love to do it again. I tend to assume that people won't want to drive to my house and that we don't have the space to host people, so I don't bother trying to plan anything. I'd be really bummed if I tried to plan something and no one could come, so I guess I just avoid it all together.
My husband says we're having a Halloween party next year, though. It's his favorite holiday and he's always wanted to host a big bash for it. I'm "meh", but whatever, he'll love it.
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year? Nope. I used to go to a Christmas party at my aunt and uncle's every year, but I think I got dropped off the invite list at some point. It's pretty much their friends and family who are their age, I think, so being the next generation down I think they assume I wouldn't be interested.
Are you hosting a holiday party this year? We normally have DH's family over to our house on Christmas afternoon, but no real party.
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? No We live in a smallish TH and don't have room for the size family we have. If not, would you like to? When we finally get a SFH I think I would like to.
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year? We go to my grandmother's house (Dad's side) on Christmas Eve, my parents' house Christmas morning and then have DH's parents and BIL over to our house on Chistmas afternoon. Then between Christmas and NYE we get together with my Mom's side of the family and do a gift exchange.
Are you hosting a holiday party this year? No
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? If not, would you like to? Eh...I get all stressed out when just a few people are coming over, I don't think hosting a big bash would be for me.
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year? Nothing on a large scale, but this will be our 5th year getting together with two other couples for "Friendmas." We do this instead of exchanging gifts with them and it is always!We will host Christmas Eve Dinner but no party this year.
The last two years we hosted a party for about 75 people. The first year I was 32 weeks pregnant with my twins and did everything. Exhausting! The second year was way easier but I want to focus on my family this year. There is way too much family/friend drama and I just want to enjoy the season. My three daughters are born in January so I am throwing myself into that.
My husband's family does Christmas Dinner with 40 or so people.
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? If not, would you like to? I would definitely love to when we move into a bigger house one day
Are there any holiday parties that you attend regularly, year after year? This will be the third year we've had a holiday party with some of our neighbors and done a White Elephant Gift Exchange. We usually rotate who hosts each year. No work parties though. Always have Christmas Eve Dinner at my ILs and Christmas Day/dinner at our house.