After feeling like I was going crazy - seeing many doctors - all to tell me that I was fine, I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
I would not say I have ever been skinny - but a nice fit size 8 who loves to distance run and do bootcamp style exercise. I eat a pretty healthy diet (stay away from fast food, etc). I have had two kids in the past few years. During my first pregancy I developed a rash (utacaria) every night - it has been ongoing for three years! Diagnosed with post-partum depression and have exhaustion all the time (attributed to having two under two).
My youngest is now 19 months old. In order to help kickstart weightloss I did a half and full marathon. Well - I did not lose ANY weight at all - even with all of the exercising. I am at my 20 week pregnant weight and so discouraged. I did weight watchers - nothing.
Through all this I have seen an OB, two PCP, Allergist, Dermatologist, Phsychologist. They all said I was healthy and continue what I am doing. Bloodwork is fine, cholestroal is great, etc. huh?? I have no energy to do anything anymore, concentration gone, keep gaining weight....I just want to throw in the towel.
I decided to pay out of pocket to see a naturopathic doctor who tested my blood again and found that I was hypothyroid. She put me on meds right away. We will also be doing an allergy elimination diet starting january.
Anyone deal with this? How long before you felt better? with diet and exercise were you really able to shed those pounds? I am feeling so lost with this....would love to hear your stories.
Re: Recently Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism
I have severe hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Right before I was diagnosed I gained an extreme amount of weight (like 60 pounds), and I had always been a normal weight and athletic. Once my thyroid levels were normalized I was able to lose the weight and I've maintained my weight within 10 pounds or so ever since.
Thyroid medications work by increasing the T3 and T4 levels in your blood steam- so it will take several weeks for you to feel better. Then you'll have to get your blood levels tested a few times a year, but you WILL feel normal again!
The above comment about fish is confusing- fish is a great lean protein source, best eaten 2-3 times a week.