I know around the holidays some people like to donate to charities instead of gift giving and I just thought I'd introduce one that I am quite fond of. It's the Beagle Freedom Project.
If anyone is interested in reading up on the work they do, here is an article that tells of one story: http://dogingtonpost.com/the-heartwarming-and-heartbreaking-story-of-a-retired-research-beagle/#.UL0Vfacebookqn3Etbg. (
The article has a happy ending for those that are sensitive to that stuff).
Hope the link works. If it doesn't and you're interested, then just look up the Beagle Freedom Project. They rescue beagles from laboratory facilities and help find them good homes.
The gentle nature that makes beagles an ideal dog for children, is also sadly the quality that makes them excellent research subjects.
Re: Animal Cause Worth Supporting...