really?..... I also got a letter that our dental insurance is going up Jan 1 due to the increasing cost medical devices at the dental office. so, I"m planning to get my teeth cleaned and all that good stuff this month and then either cut our dental insurance or find a cheaper plan. ugh
Re: as if vet bills were not high enough
I have two dogs. I love them to death. They have their own bank account for u expected vet bills. So I will do anything for them. But you better believe I am willing to pay 2.3% more for my dogs care so that people can actually get health insurance. You can't possibly be upset that about a medical device tax that is providing health care to people. If you can't afford 2.3% more, you can't afford the pet in the first place. I will drive or fly where ever you are to take your family pet if you can't afford it. People need to plan when they have pets. Pets aren't free.
I have no idea what's going on with your dental insurance. Mine went down. Maybe you have to many claims.
Salute to Captain Obvious! "Pets aren't free!" You make mountains out of mole hills with this reply to the OP. I think the OP was being sarcastic. But, everyone probably appreciates your lecture on pet care. Thanks!
You have a tendancy to jump to waaaay too many conclusions about peoples' personal lives. You did this to me weeks ago when you wrote insulting remarks about my Big Brother/Big Sister relationship.
nope, we just get our regular cleanings, nothing more. I guess some people don't mind paying more for stuff, but I do. I guess that's where we differ in opinion
Good, another argument for me to use with my husband on why we shouldn't get a dog.
And your argument should be that you don't like paying more for stuff that benefits other people because I'm sure if it benefited you, you'd pay the extra 2 percent willingly.
maybe i'm weird but we are on a very tight budget and every dollar matters. rising dental insurance definitely affects our budget
That's not too bad! It is so true that if they get sick it can get pricey. Our dog had seasonal allergies, so every year there were steroid shots, allergy meds, etc. When we lost her in August, the total for vet visit, x-rays, over night urgent care stay, euthanasia, and cremation was about $2,500. And of course it would have been more costly had she lived. It strongly made me consider pet insurance.
We adopted a 2.5 year old pit mix last month, and on the paperwork they asked how much we were expecting to spend a year on our pet, including food. I checked $400-$600. I'm guessing that's average for pet owners.
ETA: Not sure why I responded, as there wasn't a question! Ha ha! Guess I just have to give my two cents. lol
I'm sorry your dog passed away. I just want to also clarify that i'm not b!tching about vet bills and all that stuff. I guess I'm wondering why the health care act is affecting the pets now.
Oh, sure, I agree with that and it does suck. I mean, I'd love to get a pet for my son but I know we're tight on money and don't want to take on the added expenses of vet bills, food, meds, and such right now. So we wait. It stinks but one day we'll be in a better place where we'll be prepared to take on the costs.
I've been thinking that about our family for quite sometime and wonder if we will ever be in a better place....sure people have it a lot worse off than us and I'm thankful for where we are but i'm so sick of having to live paycheck to paycheck. I don't know why I'm not use to it yet, that's how it's been all my life. I guess I just hope one day we will make more money and I won't have to monitor the checking account weekly to make sure we won't go in the hole. It doesn't help this is DH's slow time (dec - feb). one day, maybe when DD is in school about 3 years from now I will get a 2nd job and just stash all of that in savings.
Yeah, I hear ya. I'm working on the assumption that we can't go on living on our currently salary forever. We'll never be able to retire. But I'm a SAHM so once our kids are in school I'll definitely be going to work. DH is still working on his degree but is hoping to maybe in the meantime get a good government job so his years in the military will count towards his retirement. We just keep thinking positively but I guess there's always the possibility that something will happen to one of us, or our kids, or whatever that will put us in a big hole.
It's taken me a long time to get to the point where I look at what we have compared to others and am grateful. I sure do get jealous of friends who own nice homes, drive newer cars than ours, can go on multiple vacations, etc, but we really are doing just fine to be able to live comfortably even if things are tight. People have it much harder than we do and I just have to remind myself of that every time I get whiny about money. There are still things we have/do that we can sacrifice if need be. It's no fun, but for some things it is worth it.
And, you're not alone. The other thing is....give it a few years and let people figure out (& feel) how this will really impact their wallets. They'll be screaming poverty in no time. Well, the ones that do pay something. As for $200/year...not bad at all. Took my dog in for a senior panel a few weeks ago...that alone was $190.