I'm gonna try and do this quickly while I have a chance.
Ari Nathaniel Dean J___ is here! (yea it's a long name but it made DH happy) After 26 hours of labor our too big baby ended up not being so big. He was born on Saturday, 11.08.08 at 12:17pm. He was only 7lbs 7oz but he had a big little head. Because of the size of his head, he stopped coming down and was stuck in my pelvis. His head was measuring 42 weeks. After about 8 hours of no progress, we finally decided to do a c-section. Recovery hasn't been as bad as I expected and everyone is doing great. He is such a sweet and content baby. I am exahasted mainly because I breast feed and he is a really good eater, but I was on a liquid diet. I am finally allowed to eat a little bit more solid food and things are getting better. With everything going on I keep running a fever because I'm dehydrated and keep forgetting to drink my water, but I'm getting better at that too. I am so glad that DH is not afraid to just jump in there and do whatever needs to be done. He has been a really big help. He actually gets mad if I try to change a diaper that he intended on changing. (cute, hope it lasts) I hope the pictures work.
Can't wait to get playdates started together mommies and mommies to be.
Re: Ari is here!!!
YAY!!!!! Congratulations!!! He is such a cutie!!!! Wow, he wasn't too big, it's funny how the measurements are so off sometimes.
Lily is definitely ready for a playdate whenever Ari is. : ) Let us know!
Take good care of yourself and try (I know it's hard) to get some rest.
Jen : )
Oh my- he is sooo beautiful! Congratulations, new Mom and Dad! It's the most life changing event ever- you'll never be the same, but, you won't regret it, either.
I get my new camera tomorrow or Wednesday, and then I'm in full-on portfolio building mode, so let me know if you want a newborn photosession (you just have to agree to let Ari hang out in my portfolio/gallery)!
I'm sorry it didn't go as planned, but, so happy everyone is healthy. Take care of yourself, stay on top of those pain meds if you need them, and remember to get some sleep when you can. And enjoy him- they grow up SO fast!
I was thinking about you today wondering if anything had happened yet!!! So glad to hear he is here and healthy. Recovery gets easier every day. He is a handsome little guy. Keep the pictures coming.
Zach, Maddox and Ari were all born on Saturdays 3 weeks a part from each other.
Congrats! Im so glad it went well even if not as planned, Welcome Ari were so glad to see you. You are just so cute.
Take Care and try to get rest while you can.
Ari is so beautiful! Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! I popped on here this morning just to see if you had posted anything. I can't see the pictures from work, but I will try to get on at home tonight so I can see the little cutie. I'm sorry you had to have a c-section, but my recovery was short and easy and hopefully yours will be too!
Congratulations again!
Yay! He is precious. Congrats to you and your husband!
Awww!! Look at that cute face!!! Congratulations!!!!
I guess I'm next, huh? :-)
Does that mean I'll have my little girl on the 29th??? :-)
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